lunedì 24 dicembre 2007
Ecco il nuovo welfare Il ministro: "Per i precari pensioni migliori e nuove protezioni sociali. E' comunque lontano l'obiettivo di 70% di occupati come vorrebbe il patto di Lisbona"
Dal Pacchetto Treu al Protocollo sul Welfare, passando for the Biagi law. Ten years of walking in the way of flexibility. But even ten years of controversy and conflict, unfortunately, not only verbal. Why even talk about non-standard work is so dramatic and dangerous?
"Too often, when it comes to flexible working, the debate is ideological character and tone at the risk of losing sight of the reality of problems associated with an economic system increasingly complex and unstable. Evoke disturbing scenarios and state contracts in non-standard employment and the source of all evil is to simplify unnecessary and unacceptable. Just as it would be wrong to think to bring down unemployment with deregulation wild at the expense of the necessary safeguards. Flexibility, therefore, is neither a demon nor a panacea: it may however be an opportunity for both companies and for people who are new to the labor market, as long as you distinguish sharply between good flexibility and precariousness. "
what is, overall, the approach that characterizes the Protocol on Welfare?
"The core of the reform is given by a conception of Welfare Promotion, not welfare, which binds tightly to the active employment policies, training over the course of life and a universal network of social security rights. In it are taken together, the three questions of the modernization of social protection system (with the reorganization of social safety nets), the discipline of the labor market and the reorganization of the social security system.
Let's go into detail. We start from the measures they redesign some features of the labor market.
'In broad terms, we can say that the reform strategy based on strengthening the public employment services, which are a focal point for the management of social safety nets in proactive way, and the revision and reorganization of the entire system of incentives, largely thought in ancient times and linked to a profoundly different from the labor market, with the identification of some specific priorities (women's employment, including in relation to the needs of reconciling work and family life of young people, workers ultra -fifties). All this, of course, add direct and specific measures in an anti-precarious. "
What, specifically?
"The First Protocol reaffirms the desire to continue on the path started strengthening the centrality of employment in perpetuity. In this direction are: the setting for the contracts to a fixed term of thirty-six months, beyond which the relationship becomes an indefinite period, subject to the possibility of one renewal to be concluded with the assistance of the union and procedures very strict control, the elimination of forms of contract clearly precarizzanti, with the downsizing of the margins of the job application on-call, or limiting the type of casual work incidental only to small businesses to households, the cancellation of the staff leasing; but also some changes in the regulations of part-time. In the same direction should be the further increase of social security contributions on collaboration on projects, clear and concrete as a disincentive to use this tool incorrectly, and the continuation of actions aimed to combat avoidance of employment protection legislation. "
The great unfinished business of previous reforms, as recognized by all, is the lack of review of social safety nets in the key of flexicurity: How does the Protocol to bridge this gap?
"The reform assumed in the protocol, as is expressly stated, is aimed at strengthening social safety nets and the extension of protections for those who have none, without the membership sector, firm size and types of employment contracts continue to be elements of exclusion. The project developed its guidelines in the Protocol gives an essential role in consultation with the social partners and bilateral agencies (which may provide additional coverage), but also requires a general improvement in active labor market policies, the logic of welfare to work. It is clear, however, that the design can not dashed reformer who have a staggered depending on the available financial resources. This does not exclude the launch of some immediate actions that prefigure the first phase of the reorganization of the shock absorbers. "
What is the first time the reform of social safety nets?
"The first phase of the reform of the shock absorbers (funded with about € 700 million per year) provides improvements of unemployment benefits that apply to all workers and, in particular young people."
flexibility can have a negative impact on the future welfare of workers and, in particular young people. How to deal with this kind of risk?
"One of the key chapters of the Protocol goes in the direction of the provision of appropriate measures to guarantee decent pensions for more the quasi-employees and those employees, but with discontinuous careers. Included in this context, the mentioned figure full coverage, provided for in the reform of the shock absorbers, commensurate with the salary, which will allow workers with contracts of insurance to fill gaps and to increase future pension provision, and the provision of a wider reform of aggregation that absorbs and overcomes the reunion and permits, including through immediate measures, to use the contributions to multiple funds or pension funds to build one. But also belong to this chapter, and most importantly, the gradual increase from 23 to 26% of the quasi-subordinate to, finalizzato a rafforzare la posizione pensionistica dei giovani collaboratori a progetto. Come pure le nuove regole per favorire il riscatto della laurea con l’obiettivo sia di renderlo conveniente sotto il profilo previdenziale sia di ridurne l’onere».
Il Protocollo, insomma, come ponte a più corsie verso una buona occupazione. Ma la distanza con gli obiettivi di Lisbona rimane ancora elevata.
«Molto è stato fatto, ma molto resta ancora da fare. I nodi irrisolti dell’economia italiana condizionano fortemente l’andamento del mercato del lavoro. L’obiettivo di un tasso di occupazione del 70% entro il 2010, fissato nel Consiglio europeo di Lisbona del 2000, for Italy is still far away. For our country, the achievement of the Lisbon and in overall terms and in reference to women and people over fifty, it depends crucially on the ability we have to increase the participation rate of women in the labor market. Although there has been a considerable increase in the participation of women in the labor market over the past decade, evidence of an increased supply of female labor, it must redouble its efforts and develop the tools. "
But, in hindsight, Europe, through the Green Paper, calling for more flexibility there for more employment . «Stiamo partecipando attivamente alla consultazione lanciata dalla Commissione europea con il Libro verde sulla modernizzazione del diritto del lavoro, nel più ampio quadro del dibattito sulla «flessicurezza» nei rapporti di lavoro. La risposta del governo italiano indica che non possiamo condividere la tesi che vorrebbe configurare uno scambio tra tutela sul posto di lavoro e tutela sul mercato, quando entrambe sono invece necessarie per dare stabilità al lavoro e creare buona occupazione. (…) Occorre invece ribadire che il contratto a tempo indeterminato è la forma normale di rapporto di lavoro, e su di essa dovrebbero essere valutati i possibili interventi a favore di una maggiore flessibilità».
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