Sunday, December 30, 2007

Gay Bathroom Accessories

Rogo Thyssen, who died on the seventh worker

Domenica 30 dicembre 2007

Arresto cardiocircolatorio, negli ultimi giorni le sue condizioni si erano aggravate.
Non ce l'ha fatta Giuseppe Demasi, 26 anni. Il decesso al CTO di Torino.

- Sale il tragico bilancio del rogo all'acciaieria ThyssenKrupp di Torino . Non ce l'ha fatta Giuseppe Demasi, 26 anni, one of the workers injured on the night between 5 and 6 December last. Demasi, the only surviving of seven workers injured in the factory in Turin, died of cardiac arrest at 13.40 in the burns ward of the CTO, Torino. His condition, very serious from the first moments after the fire because of burns, had further deteriorated in recent days.

LONG LIST OF VICTIMS - The name of Joseph Demasi is added to the long list of victims of dell'acciaeria Corso Regina Margherita: Antonio Schiavone died instantly, Roberto Scola, Angelo Laurino, Bruno Santino, Rocco Marzo, Rosario Rodin. Demasi was subjected to three interventi chirurgici, ma nei giorni scorsi le sue condizioni si erano aggravate.


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