Tuesday, December 18, 2007 Press Release
RSU / RSA Comdata SpA
Comdata - Proclaim eight hours of strike on Turin, Ivrea, Scarborough, Asti, La Spezia and Olbia , with a garrison at the entrance in front of 'interruption of the negotiations on the second level of bargaining.
18.12.2007 - Unexpected rupture COMD Spa in the negotiations after a year of careful and conscious work of trade unions and all workers, confirmed by an agreement on stabilization that we had high hopes for the next location.
Comdata, known for its recent acquisition of a branch of Vodafone Spa, which involved 914 workers causing some problems for the maintenance of economic conditions, pricing and strong focus on employment stability thereof; Comdata who responded to these concerns by reaffirming centrality of the "human value" in their business and provided great reassurance on the solid economic growth in constant and strong.
Valore dell'uomo e crescita di fatturato: queste sono le basi che sono venute a mancare durante l'ultima fase di trattative che andavano delineando la distribuzione di parte degli utili ai lavoratori ( p.d.r.), i passaggi inquadramentali e i buoni pasto come temi principali.
Comdata ha detto NO. Ha detto no a tutte le richieste onerose annunciando che "non c'è torta da dividere" rinnegando dunque, quanto poco meno di due mesi fa, in occasione dell'acquisizione del ramo Vodafone, era diventata la base delle rassicurazioni date ai lavoratori.
Comdata and the Industrial Union of Turin, declaring they do not want to "deal with the trade unions, closed the dialogue with the trade union delegation. recant their representation by refusing to listen to thousands of workers who for years allowing the company to grow exponentially, the same workers who bring profits within the same going to cover the cost of investments and acquisitions and are forced to live with 900 euro per month.
Given this unacceptable situation, the RSU / RSA proclaim a strike of eight hours per day on December 27, 2007 with the protest outside the entrance to each home, hoping for maximum participation of workers and the attention of the press that both have followed the story Comdata-Vodafone in recent months.
garrison of Torino, Via Carlo Alberto, 22 from 8 to 18
garrison at Ivrea, Via Jervis, 77 from 8 to 18
garrison at Asti, Via Guerra, .5 from 6.00 to 18.00
RSU / RSA Comdata SpA
Comdata - Proclaim eight hours of strike on Turin, Ivrea, Scarborough, Asti, La Spezia and Olbia , with a garrison at the entrance in front of 'interruption of the negotiations on the second level of bargaining.
18.12.2007 - Unexpected rupture COMD Spa in the negotiations after a year of careful and conscious work of trade unions and all workers, confirmed by an agreement on stabilization that we had high hopes for the next location.
Comdata, known for its recent acquisition of a branch of Vodafone Spa, which involved 914 workers causing some problems for the maintenance of economic conditions, pricing and strong focus on employment stability thereof; Comdata who responded to these concerns by reaffirming centrality of the "human value" in their business and provided great reassurance on the solid economic growth in constant and strong.
Valore dell'uomo e crescita di fatturato: queste sono le basi che sono venute a mancare durante l'ultima fase di trattative che andavano delineando la distribuzione di parte degli utili ai lavoratori ( p.d.r.), i passaggi inquadramentali e i buoni pasto come temi principali.
Comdata ha detto NO. Ha detto no a tutte le richieste onerose annunciando che "non c'è torta da dividere" rinnegando dunque, quanto poco meno di due mesi fa, in occasione dell'acquisizione del ramo Vodafone, era diventata la base delle rassicurazioni date ai lavoratori.
Comdata and the Industrial Union of Turin, declaring they do not want to "deal with the trade unions, closed the dialogue with the trade union delegation. recant their representation by refusing to listen to thousands of workers who for years allowing the company to grow exponentially, the same workers who bring profits within the same going to cover the cost of investments and acquisitions and are forced to live with 900 euro per month.
Given this unacceptable situation, the RSU / RSA proclaim a strike of eight hours per day on December 27, 2007 with the protest outside the entrance to each home, hoping for maximum participation of workers and the attention of the press that both have followed the story Comdata-Vodafone in recent months.
garrison of Torino, Via Carlo Alberto, 22 from 8 to 18
garrison at Ivrea, Via Jervis, 77 from 8 to 18
garrison at Asti, Via Guerra, .5 from 6.00 to 18.00
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