Friday, December 28, 2007

Dosage Of Daflon For Hemorrhoids

Wind, draft agreement signed at the Ministry of Economic Development and release of the National Secretariat

Thursday, December 20, 2007
suspended the strike called for on 20/12/2007 On 14/12/2007, this is the draft agreement signed at the Ministry of Economic Development, accompanied by the release National Secretaries of the SLC-CGIL, FISTel-CISL, and UIL UILCOM. 21/12/2007 of

draft agreement wind


The day
20 cm at the Ministry of Economic Development have signed a draft agreement on the reorganization of Wind between the Company and the Trade Unions SLC - FISTel - UILCOM brokered by the Secretary Alfonso Gianni.

The hypothesis provides a detailed Business Plan, where the company is committed to continuing the mission of focusing on the development of the integrated operators for fixed telephony to mobile and internet.

To support the development in 2008, Wind will invest at least EUR 800 million, half of which, in network infrastructure, IT, broadband and mobile. The company also intends to enhance the assets of customer care, network and portale internet che ritiene strategici al business aziendale.

Milano conferma alcune attività di rete fissa, che il progetto organizzativo aveva collocato su Roma. (International and National Wholeasales, acquisti rete, attività a contenuto tecnologico, attività di centri di gestione e importanti attività information technology).

Inoltre Wind intende valorizzare la sede di Milano come centro di eccellenza di tutto il gruppo con la costituzione entro giugno 2008 di un centro di ricerca focalizzato sul monitoraggio dell’evoluzione tecnologica di interesse aziendale, sullo scouting di nuove tecnologie e sullo sviluppo e sperimentazione di nuovi prodotti e servizi.

Il mantenimento di alcune attività fixed network in Milan, has allowed to significantly reduce the number of workers / that we are subject to transfer to Rome, and that does not add up to more than 240 resources.

will protect workers with disabilities, employees with disabilities who have to care more than 80% and the situations covered by L. 104/92.

The transfers take effect from September 2008 and will be preceded by meetings with the unions to verify any change in the organizational boundary and any personal problems of workers involved due to serious illnesses. In particular, from January will be made a permanent table at the local level, for the management of transfers, for possible relocation for mobility (and its visibility from the employment opportunities) and to address specific situations.

On the basis of development plans in the time frame provided by the company until 31/12/2011, it also will make available approximately 150 job positions in the area of \u200b\u200bLombardy, Turin and Ivrea, where workers can be relocated as a priority transferred to Rome, according to objective criteria of social and economic relevance.

The Company will recognize the workers concerned to transfer € 800 net for 24 months for all those without children and 1000 € net for employees with children. All workers will be transferred approved a one-off payment of € 7000 as an allowance. Also for the first 3 months will be used to travel and will be guaranteed for the next 9 to commute between Rome and Milan.

In keeping with the development that Wind will be in the coming years, the company undertakes to implement employment by 2010, with the passage of all employees in the Customer Care from 5 to 6 hours. In

area network will consist of a unique training plan to allow workers to acquire even more skills to the professional enhancement.

Wind Always on employment in 2008 will take place from 50 graduates even in areas of development of LLU.

The Trade Unions have confirmed the hypothesis of an agreement on the reorganization of the Wind collective opposition to the use of transfers, believing it necessary, however, given the unavailability of the Company to withdraw the project, ensuring that workers are concerned with a system economic and regulatory measures aimed at mitigating the discomfort. The trade unions

consider instead the positive commitment of Wind to subscribe to the presence of government guidelines for strategic and identify the resources needed to finance the development plan.

Development of Wind, the ability to position itself on the market with products and services its innovative and profitable growth, is the best guarantee for maintaining employment and strategic assets. The company, in fact, no provision in the 2008 plan any organizational change in the scope of the study beyond the towers, which will eventually take place, will be promptly notified to the Trade Unions and the company still has undertaken to exclude from the sale of the shares active towers with what this means in terms of safeguards for those who work on maintenance, management, development of the same. The trade unions

believe they have produced the best results possible in a difficult and complex that required the intervention of the government and whose responsibility for the inconvenience and complications created by social workers are accruing to 'Wind farm.

The Union is aware that there are still critical elements dictated by the reorganization process of the Milan office and will continue at all sites for comparison to take decisions aimed at further investment in the industrial capital of Lombardy, including any activities of excellence that can arise from the dynamics of sector. In this logic, the reallocation in the place of origin of the transferred employees will always be a priority for trade unions.

The National Secretaries and Regional SLC CGIL - CISL FISTel - UILCOM UIL will present meeting to be held in Milan earlier this year to inform workers about the contents of the agreement, which has also been requested by the Government shall be subjected to total employees in all company sites.


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