FRIDAY 'February 25 18.00
books publisher HOME WITHOUT:
presents " SPECIAL MISSION "
Gianluca Morozzi
letture di ANDREA BENATI
Venerdì 25 febbraio ospitiamo, dopo l'esordio della casa editrice che abbiamo salutato nell'ottobre scorso con i libri di Luigi Bernardi e Antonio Paolacci, altri due contributi alla collana " On the road": "Missione speciale" di Baldrus e "L'amore ai tempi del telefono fisso" di Gianluca Morozzi . Anche loro si cimentano, come è caratteristica della collana, nel racconto, arte difficile, che consente di dare suggestioni e storie in un numero molto breve di pagine, e che quando riesce lascia ricordi importanti.
Baldrus, nel suo racconto, descrive un periodo di addestramento nel territorio più impervio del Pakistan, among young people doomed to death, a black leather whip, the claw of Freddy Kruger and a guinea pig. Finally in London, where a young and powerful financier likes to load upon himself a kind of absolute suffering, all the pain of the world and mankind. The order is clear on his body must not remain a single sign, not a single drop of blood must be paid.
Baldrus (Mauro Baldrati) was born in Lugo di Romagna in 1953. For over ten years he lived in Rome and Milan, working as a journalist and photographer for various magazines and agencies. Her short stories have come out in anthologies Attention exit of employees (No Reply, 2007), The stock of algae (Eumeswil, 2010) Crimes and on paper, Secret, Country Indiana, poetry and spirit. With other authors have published a book on the aggregation youth revolt of the style (Franco Angeli, 1983). He published the novel Dark City (Perdisa Pop, 2010). He currently lives in Bologna.
Gianluca Morozzi was born in Bologna in 1971. Before tragically losing his hair, looked like Kabir Bedi Sandokan interpreter. Now, sadly, it looks like the quarterback Pancaro.
is the biggest fan of Bologna never existed. It has reached the general public with the novel Blackout, a claustrophobic thriller set entirely in a lift, also translated in the United States, where he became a movie in 2007. He has written many other books, including: Desperate (Fernandel, 2001), Ten things I did but I can not believe I did, but I've done (Fernandel, 2003) The age of the pig (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2005), He who the gods wish to destroy (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2009), Scars (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2010). I have just come out "Serena Variable", with Elisa scitto Geng, and "Spread the salt." It is the guitarist of Street Legal, a tribute band that pays homage to Bob Dylan.
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