Monday, February 28, 2011

Sample Account Suspension Letters

Bilbolbul Library Irnerio

This year's Library Irnerio BilBOlbul is an active part in the international comic festival that takes place in Bologna March 2 to 6, and is now in its fifth edition, taking shape as something essential for those interested in the comic strip.

Here is what the festival events are held in the library.

From Thursday, 4 to Thursday, March 31

are on display in the library some of the comic page of "Octave" book children already bestseller in France and published in their entirety by Tunué in Italy.
Octave è un bambino che vive con la mamma sulla costa di fronte l’oceano, ma odia il mare e il solo pensiero di immergere un piede nell’acqua salata lo fa rabbrividire. Quando la situazione lo richiede, tuttavia, tira fuori il coraggio e vola in soccorso di una balena; lotta contro la pesca abusiva; aiuta un pinguino a ritrovare la via di casa e salva il papà di un piccolo di sula tenuto prigioniero in un parco marino...
Un meraviglioso viaggio alla scoperta degli animali ma soprattutto di se stessi e dei propri limiti da superare, un vero viaggio di crescita.

DOMENICA MATTINA ore 11 , si terrà in libreria una lettura animata del fumetto, a cura della casa editrice Tunué, dedicata ai ragazzi dai 7 agli 11 anni.
Per l'occasione, la libreria SARA' APERTA ANCHE DOMENICA MATTINA, dalle 10 alle 13. 

SABATO 5 MARZO ore 11.30

interviene il giornalista LUCA RAFFAELLI

In una civiltà dominata dalle immagini, il libro di Barbieri, oltre a illustrare le molteplici relazioni della comunicazione visiva con le arti figurative, music and literature, is offered as a guide for those wishing to gain a greater awareness of the significance of the images.

Daniela Barbieri teaches ISIA in Urbino, SUPSI Lugano and at the Master in Publishing at the University of Bologna, directed by Umberto Eco.Tra his books "The language of the comic book" A Brief History of literature in comics "and" Thought drawn. Essays on European literature in comics. "

Sunday, March 6 11.00


dal fumetto "Octave" di David Chauvel e Alfred,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Leaf Shredder Mulcher Gas

"BASTARD POST" Remo Bassini

ore 18,00

(Perdisa editore)


Sabato ospitiamo REMO BASSINI, autore oramai affermato che con "Bastardo posto" si dedica alla provincia descrivendola attraverso gli occhi di un giornalista, Paolo Limara, cronista tormentato e disilluso che incrocia la propria storia con vicende misteriose ed inquietanti che, incarnate da personaggli emblematici del nostro tempo, sembrano distruggere every possible form of hope.

Children mysteriously disappeared, objects of desire for almost a holy priest. Slot machines, corruption involving police and the media, mafia, and an evil of which the newspapers do not say never, because invisible and powerful. Five nights, and a dummy that looks at the naked city. Only a powerful explosion could give a little 'peace with Paul Limar, a journalist who can not decide whether to live as a sheep or a lion, and Don Fabrizio, the priest took the secrets with others and with his conscience. The hope is hanging by a thread, and eventually will be just the loose cannon the only ones that try to destabilize the invisible power.

REMO BASSINO lives and works in Vercelli. He published the novels The items stolen notebook (The Sesia) About Clelia (Murcia), The Gambler (Fernandel), The woman who talked with the dead (Newton Compton).

2010 Bmx Full Face Helmets

Products by SENZAPATRIA with Baldrus and Gianluca Morozzi

FRIDAY 'February 25 18.00
books publisher HOME WITHOUT:


presents " SPECIAL MISSION "

Gianluca Morozzi

letture di ANDREA BENATI

Venerdì 25 febbraio ospitiamo, dopo l'esordio della casa editrice che abbiamo salutato nell'ottobre scorso con i libri di Luigi Bernardi e Antonio Paolacci, altri due contributi alla collana " On the road": "Missione speciale" di Baldrus e "L'amore ai tempi del telefono fisso" di Gianluca Morozzi . Anche loro si cimentano, come è caratteristica della collana, nel racconto, arte difficile, che consente di dare suggestioni e storie in un numero molto breve di pagine, e che quando riesce lascia ricordi importanti.

Baldrus, nel suo racconto, descrive un periodo di addestramento nel territorio più impervio del Pakistan, among young people doomed to death, a black leather whip, the claw of Freddy Kruger and a guinea pig. Finally in London, where a young and powerful financier likes to load upon himself a kind of absolute suffering, all the pain of the world and mankind. The order is clear on his body must not remain a single sign, not a single drop of blood must be paid.

Baldrus (Mauro Baldrati) was born in Lugo di Romagna in 1953. For over ten years he lived in Rome and Milan, working as a journalist and photographer for various magazines and agencies. Her short stories have come out in anthologies Attention exit of employees (No Reply, 2007), The stock of algae (Eumeswil, 2010) Crimes and on paper, Secret, Country Indiana, poetry and spirit. With other authors have published a book on the aggregation youth revolt of the style (Franco Angeli, 1983). He published the novel Dark City (Perdisa Pop, 2010). He currently lives in Bologna.

"Love in the Time of fixed telephone line" is instead a river of the last stages of production Gianluca Morozzi. It 's a fun journey through time, we analyze the technological progress and the way the telephone, cellphone and computer have changed the habits of the trailer. Before the landline phone and an invitation to go out, then the phone el'sms, then the computer and social networks. The results in the end are always the same ...

Gianluca Morozzi was born in Bologna in 1971. Before tragically losing his hair, looked like Kabir Bedi Sandokan interpreter. Now, sadly, it looks like the quarterback Pancaro.

is the biggest fan of Bologna never existed. It has reached the general public with the novel Blackout, a claustrophobic thriller set entirely in a lift, also translated in the United States, where he became a movie in 2007. He has written many other books, including: Desperate (Fernandel, 2001), Ten things I did but I can not believe I did, but I've done (Fernandel, 2003) The age of the pig (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2005), He who the gods wish to destroy (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2009), Scars (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2010). I have just come out "Serena Variable", with Elisa scitto Geng, and "Spread the salt." It is the guitarist of Street Legal, a tribute band that pays homage to Bob Dylan.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Wear Nike Af Sneakers

"LOW SOCIETY. Stories from cabaret" of John Nadin

Saturday, February 19 18.00

Stories cabaret
of John Nadin
( CartaCanta Publisher)

Alberto Sebastiani

With characteristic style hybrid "Bastard" that has long characterized the "oral writing" by Nadin, Low Society ironically presents the best "low society" from the pen of the writer pungent Romagna: a series of stories to be said aloud by the tone cabaret enjoyable even in one version in Italian regional, focusing on a varied gallery of common people who find themselves living in a present wearing the glitter of the fashionable Anglo-Italian syncretic language television, Internet and advertising (defined by the author anglobo ) and try to hide in all the ways the wounds inflicted on humanity in a diverse, dedicated to research of a pseudo happiness at any cost, he finds himself plunged into the most depressing loneliness or lack of communication.

tones used by Nadin to take this contemporary scarred are relevant to a bitter irony, which often borders on the comic as a form subversive absolute and formal notice of rational forms, based on the meeting / clash of languages \u200b\u200band dialects (the language bar) to cross the "reasoning" in a loud voice, obsessions (sports, sex, money, appearance, the meaning of life etc..) of the characters, made and lost in the conflict between the sexes or between generations, between the hypermodernity and an unconscious desire for some identity.

An excerpt from the book

Mo scuraràla never cum to the Chinese for twenty én, and ch'l'impines 'scartoz dl'Happy Meal ae' McDrive of the pr Furl Babin ch'rugia ch'selta to the party of cvel he 's ciumpes j en, cun Cruchet of dust and chips ulandes surgelêdi dla Fifth Season, arscaldêdi' t at the Bol d'gras ch'un'smet never in a Freza to the delight of all. .. It can be a bon sràla Chinese? And s'invezi of rësar oad'Changchun of Canton, the fossil of Dong Dang od'Phnom Penh?

But never talk about how the Chinese twenty years, which fills the bag with a Happy Meal McDrive Forlì for children who scream and jump at the birthday party with the chicken nuggets and frozen chips Dutch Fifth Season, heated in boiling fat which never ceases to fry for the joy of all ... And then you really Chinese? And if instead of being in Canton or Changchun, was of Dong Dang or Phnom Penh?

Nadin JOHN was born in 1954 in Cassanigo Cotignola (RA), based in Faenza Reda and teaches at the School of Modern Languages \u200b\u200bfor Interpreters and Translators, University of Bologna in Forlì. Co-founder in

1985 of the literary magazine " Traits" and in 1998 the online magazine of translation studies "InTRAlinea 'for Mobydick has published collections of verse and' sèche (1989), TIR (1994), Beyond the Sky Romagna (2000) and volumes of short stories and prose Nonstorie (1992), only Italian music (1995), Flash-bastard Stories (2004), Pennies-Kurzprosa (2009) and in collaboration with the band of blue-jazz guitarist and Ingeborg Faxtet Riebesehl the cd of poetry in music sail area (Nowhere, 1997).

In 1999, Marsilio has published the poetry anthology Feriae staff in 2000 and has published Sens (Meaning / Sense) for Pazzini publisher.

Col Faxtet group has produced theater and cabaret music in the merged Insen audiobooks ... Together (2001), Romagna Garden (2005), and Best of 'SECH (2008). In 2006, for Bacchilega, published S-cen/People, audiobook tracks designed for acting in that particular genre defined by "DialetCabaret", which in recent years has enjoyed considerable success in Romagna audiences. For his poetry translated into various languages \u200b\u200bin Romagna has achieved important awards including the awards Lancaster, Ischitella, Noventa, Pasture, Marin.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pretty Good Solitaire Mac

... Appearances and still

And more drawings.
The new year brings a new color for my series "Gaetano" published on GBaby, trying to chase the right balance between analog and digital.

bic pen and watercolor mezzotint as the basis ...

then the usual photoshop. Let's see how

is in print.

Tips On How To Walk In A Walking Boot

"THE ROOMS OF SALE" Patrick Dughero

Saturday, February 12 18.00


presents the poetry collection " ROOMS OF SALE " (Edizioni THE VOICES OF THE MOON)

LOREDANA Magazzeni

with a musical accompaniment of

PATRIZIA Dughera intervenes in our library for the second time within a few months to present, after "lights Ljubljana" his second poetry collection, "The availability of salt."
This author was able to quickly establish itself all'attenzione degli addetti ai lavori, e il calibro degli interlocutori di sabato prossimo lo attesta.
Con questa raccolta l'autrice ha vinto l'ultima edizione del premio Renato Giorgi. Patrizia Dughero va alla ricerca della propria famiglia con un viaggio fisico da una parte ed introspettivo dall'altra; ed è questo sottile equilibrio tra parte meramente corporale e componente psicologica che crea un connubio con il lettore. Anche qui come nel precedente volume c'è un ricorso al dialetto friulano, che spesso contribuisce ad amplificare la sostanza del discorso con la musicalità del verso. Una lingua non vera ma verosimile, che è oramai diventata cifra caratterizzante dell'autrice, quando occorre.

"Le stanze del sale" è enriched by photographs by Franco Munari, whose photographic survey focused on industrial and architecture structures obsolete.
With its accompanying images, contribute to expansion of poetic discourse and its suggestion.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Need Help Finding A Warehouse

"BOLOGNA IN THE HEART" by Federica and Maurizio Cevenini

FRIDAY 'February 11 18.30

Federica and Maurizio Cevenini
present their book
Bologna in the heart
told the CEV my daughter
(Pendragon Edizioni )


Maurizio Cevenini has long been among the most popular politicians among the people of Bologna. With his good-natured and never do over the top, with the thousands of marriages, with its love of Bologna, and much more, came some time in the heart of many. Represents the face of Bologna, never arrogant, a little 'light (the light so that I was reprimanded by teachers, "he writes) but generous when it comes to work, embodied in which we would like many more people, especially among public figures. So much so that his candidacy for Mayor of Bologna, through a passage in the primary that he knew of acclamation, was hailed by many as an excellent news. Instead
its race to become mayor ends in a hospital room Monday, October 18 last year.

The book ends in the hospital room where the race to become Mayor of Bologna of the candidate already considered certain to win, he began an intense dialogue between Frederick and Maurizio Cevenini. In that stillness "forced" something very beautiful happens: a daughter discovers the dialogue and intimacy with his father, that there is finally time to tell her about his childhood in San Procolo away flakes and the first steps in the work and in politics, then football and marriages, to the most important decision of his life and suffered ... a father who was always present and available for all other ... but she saw little!

With the help of friendly:
Giorgio Como, Eraldo Turra, Giuseppe Giacobazzi
, Vito, Roberto and Paolo Maria Veronica Malandrino, Beppe Signori, Marco di Vaio , Carla Astolfi, Danilo Masotti, Luigi Lepri Duilio Pizzocco, Gianluca Pagliuca, Luciano Manzalini, Andrea Mingardi, Gianni Morandi, Cesare Cremonini.

Federica Cevenini was born in Bologna in 1983 and is the only child of Maurice and Ross Cevenini. Degree in Physiotherapy, he lives in Bologna and worked as a physiotherapist in a nursing home, dealing with rehabilitation neurological and orthopedic surgery. He loves music and has studied piano for several years. His passion for reading and writing began at age nine when he wrote his first novel. He has participated in several literary contests of poetry and fiction and has published her first novel, The Song of the Nightingale, in 2010.

Maurizio Cevenini was born in Bologna in 1954. It ¹ member of the regional and provincial PD since 2010 and is a Regional Councillor, elected with 19,106 preferences.
In its institutional experience has been advisor to the Hills district, assessor and then leader in the Municipality of San Lazzaro, 1995 to 1999 and deputy leader since 1999 al 2004 vice presidente del Consiglio del Comune di Bologna. Presidente del Consiglio della Provincia dal 2004 al 2009, dal 2009 al febbraio 2010 è tornato a Palazzo D'Accursio come Presidente del Consiglio comunale.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

John Holmes&amber Lynne

"Living with intuition. Rediscover your ability to have good intentions "by Francesco Martelli

WEDNESDAY 'February 9 18.00

presents his book, written with Caramel Fiorito
" LIVING WITH INTUITION. Rediscover your ability to have good intentions "
(New Technical Editor)

Have you ever known people naturally intuitive and creative?
How would your life if you could have an infallible intuition?

There are two good news for you: the first is that you already have a good insight, though perhaps not know it yet, and the second is that you can learn your extraordinary ability to develop this and make it very reliable, just like the people incredibly intuitive.
This book will reveal all the secrets of intuition, a resource which everyone has but only few know how to use consciously.
page after page, you'll discover the most effective strategies and techniques to awaken your intuition and put to the test with the many exercises designed to achieve rapid results.
Experiment and make sure you know your progress, thanks to the many practical applications that are in each chapter: from personal choices for health, business, begin an exciting journey with your intuition and begin to use it.

FRANCESCO MARTELLI is a consultant and trainer.
He consults for individuals and businesses to improve and grow, learning to make full use of its resources and to maximize, in the joint decision making (Decision Making) and solve problems (Problem Solving).
For this particular use in the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), who studied with the founders of the methodology, Brandler, Grinder and Dilts.
E 'Intuition TrainingTM the creator of the first international training course for those who want to specialize in methods and strategies to become more intuitive and creative. He also created Intuition 4 BusinessTM, metodo per lo sviluppo delle abilità intuitive e innovative nel campo professionale, dell’economia e degli affari.

Mercoledì prossimo avremo dunque modo non solamente di conoscere un libro, ma soprattutto un autore, Francesco Martelli, e la sua personalità poliedrica, che lo ha portato ad applicazioni del tutto personali della PNL, dell'ipnosi e dell'intuito per la formazione.

Per chi fosse interessato ad approfondire:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Battery Operated Hair Straightener

From your point of view I understand that it seems that is not doing a tube, but the fact is that, perhaps, I am doing too much.
dancing on the table quite a few 'interesting projects (and a lot of drawings "food" eringraziamoiddìo). Below tables drawn from three books that are excited and that-less than catastrophic should see the light sooner than others.

a graphic novel ...

a graphic novel for young ...

another secret thing (for now) ...

Later I will give more precise information, for the moment I am happy to say that two of these projects will be in the company of my favorite writer. Recreation

over. Talk to you soon (I hope).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Women Follando With Animals




presents his book " COSMETICS ANTI-AGE.
Our skin comes to us. Let's talk about the best "
(New Technical Editor)

"I anti-wrinkle cosmetics are effective? "
" What are the anti-aging substances better suited to my skin and at my age? "

This practical guide provides answers to many commonly asked questions about anti-aging cosmetics. Modern consumers, in fact, require greater transparency in the purchase, are more aware of the misleading advertising and are willing to spend, but they demand safe and visible results. The information provided in the book, summarized in easy to read patterns, provide greater clarity in the selection of cosmetics, explaining what is good for your skin and what is not. With anti-aging cosmetics, the author brings to the understanding of the general public the most effective and targeted research proposals cosmetics to prevent skin aging and improve the aesthetic appearance of the skin.

GIULIA PENAZZI and Cosmetology, pharmacist and PhD in Food Biotechnology. Specializing in Cosmetic Science and Technology University of Ferrara, especially dedicated to the design and research of new cosmetic formulations, accompanied by Dossier and function tests. It deals with the production and marketing aspects related to the sale of cosmetic products. E 'rapporteur and consultant for workshops, training courses, articles, editorials, brochures and information guides for companies in the cosmetics and nutrition. Collaborate with journalists for articles on cosmetics, phytocosmetics and health facilities to various Magazines and Radio.