Vodafone: Vodafone
La FISTel – Cisl ritiene Vodafone una grande Azienda che impiega migliaia di lavoratori, sia direttamente che indirettamente, che contribuisce al’innovazione del sistema Paese attraverso importanti investimenti, offre servizi innovativi e di qualità ai cittadini e incrementa il PIL.
Facciamo questa premessa perché non possiamo immaginare che Vodafone possa adottare il Performance Dialogue come strumento subdolo per costringere i lavoratori a lasciare l’Azienda o ricollocarli verso strutture meno professionalizzate.
Il Performance Dialogue, in una Azienda moderna, è un valido strumento di valutazione e verifica per aiutare i lavoratori a recuperare eventuali deficit di conoscenza attraverso targeted training projects in order to better respond to customer needs and streamline the company in a highly competitive market such as the TLC.
Any other use of PD is likely to drop Vodafone in a context of negative evaluations, which if used instrumentally, are likely to jeopardize the mission of the company in a market where public opinion is concerned about the ethics of business . Unfortunately
collect complaints from more jobs for workers who complain of straining on their professional destiny and urgent request to leave the Company by its local manager in relation to its assessment of PD. The
FISTel - CISL stigmatizes these episodes were not consistent with a company such as Vodafone and hopes that the incidents reported are the result of the personal orientation of local employment and reduction tool. It therefore invites the company to immediately intervene to stop an outbreak threat to its image and the inner serenity of workers in order to create a climate of cooperation in the interests of all. The
FISTel - CISL, believes that if Vodafone has problems remix work, it would be appropriate to call the union and evaluate how you can find joint solutions in the interests of transparency, including through any mutual voluntary redundancies only volunteers.
Rome, July 2, 2010. The national secretariat
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