Monday, November 30, 2009

What Should You Put In A Potion

The Bat Theatre Zappalà

" Hush, hush-up of noise and noise floor without " ( from" La Cenerentola )

Il teatro Franco Zappalà, va sempre più arricchendo il proprio repertorio di operette, presentando lavori sempre più preziosi. Dopo la sconosciuta operetta “LaCittà Rosa” di Lombardo e Ranzato, e la poco rappresentata “Il paese del sorriso”, conosciuta ai più solo per la romanza “ tu che mi hai preso il cuor”, ha presentato in apertura della stagione 2009-2010 “ IL PIPISTRELLO” di Johann Strauss jr.
Il Teatro nato nel 1938, ha sempre curato, a Palermo, la divulgazione del teatro dialettale Siciliano,da qualche anno,oltre ad ospitare altre compagnie, mette on stage, with success, operettas and even books.
the evening of November 5, 2009 under the tent of an autonomous stable Siciliana 123 / a, the theater has just opened the season with an operetta that, although unconventional, with a significant commitment vocal and orchestral.
also in "Die Fledermaus" was mentioned most frequently performed operettas absent in the recitatives, these features give the impression of a real work on a par with those of Offenbach, the Fra Diavolo Auber's opera "The Daughter of the Regiment "Donizetti and others.
ll director Franco Zappalà presented the work of Strauss, with raffinata professionalità.
La semplice, ma efficace scenografia può essere considerata superiore a quelle importanti, con firma d’autore che oggi invadono i teatri lirici, presentando la caratteristica  di sconvolgere il libretto dell’opera o di risultare del tutto, inesistenti.
Il Cast era formato da :
Anita Venturi che con classe ed eleganza, sia vocale che scenica, ha interpretato Rosalinde.
Giorgio Valenta ha presentato con disinvoltura la parte del frizante
 Gabriel von Eisenstein, 
Anita Valenta Giorgio Venturi and conducted by Maestro De Luca.

the distinguished and brilliant as well as good, in the role of Dr. Richard Schiro. Falke,
Mariafrancesca Mazzara, in the role of the sympathetic and Adele, the role of this sister, Ida, was awarded the distinguished Giuseppe Arini.
The voice of the young bass Giuseppe Esposito highlights the entire character of the prison director Frank.
The tenor Filippo Pina Castiglioni in the role of Alfred, that while
remaining in jail for an act, it has its good voice, pointing a large part of repertoire, as the personage who was also a tenor,
Blind Advocate has been interpreted by Thomas Caramia.
A special mention goes to Prince Orlofsky,
since that party, in the libretto by Strauss, is entrusted to the voice of a mezzo-soprano and so interpreted, usually by a woman
or a man, by the very high vocal register. In this edition the part sung by the bass voice of John The Commute, is more plausible and acceptable to the general public, saving, too, let's say, the character easy to gossip. Applaud the dancers that replacing the festive and frantic "Tritsch Tratsch Polka," as the dance festival, has created a show within the show, with a more composed "Emperor Waltz" by the same author and guest of honor music from Bizet's Carmen as the first dancers performed very well.
Last but not least, the orchestra, made up of young and talented professors, was masterfully, conducted by Michael De Luca, who gave all of himself (and not cheap) to carry out with care and passion the whole work.
Pictured in the foreground left : Master Michael De Luca ,
Richard Schiro, M. Francesca Mazzara, John The Commute.
By artists compliments and wishes to continue
towards the goals set out in Palermo really need, we
knowledge of the plot of the operetta by Johann Strauss, but in the near Post


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