The attempt to rearrange their ideas did not go through.
also complicates return to bomb ferocious deadlines, stay Lucchese I still think un'indistinta colored stripe and noisy. Like when, heedless of the prohibitions, sticks his head out the window of the speeding train and struggling to keep his eyes open.
not you know why, but revenues a feeling of happiness.
The only thing at the moment mi viene da raccontare è lo scambio di battute con un ragazzo che aveva già letto il libro prima del salone:
- Molto bello, mi piace veramente il personaggio. Peccato però che, essendo un personaggio reale, finisce qui, non avremo più storie con lui!
-... appunto... è un personaggio, in parte, autobiografico ed essendo io ancora contemporaneo, non vedo perché non ci dovranno più essere storie di Elia Sabaz! – ho replicato io a gran voce e gesticolando con una mano sola.
Comunque, tornato a casa ho sentito il bisogno di cominciare a scrivere qualcosa.
Non vuol dire niente, siamo ancora allo stato delle "voci nella mia testa" (See a few posts ago). It does not mean anything really, but Elijah lives and fight with us.
know this boy that I ask questions that frighten me.
Meanwhile, I keep getting your voices on the book.
I write nice things and I often find myself responding in inappropriate ways.
do not know, I get excited and words shrivel up platitudes. Pity, it takes patience with me. But let's
sandwiches: I am very proud to have received three review that appeared in the AC So thanks a also Randa Ghazy that is in addition to direct employment for what the great Claudio Stassi who wrote here On Muni ( review here) and Andrea Turek ( ). *** UPDATE ***
I realize now that c 'is another nice review on my blog juvenile ... after reading it I still have a question for Gekko: "But then you have known?" I do not remember if you did not ... Well, I'm here.
I also forgot to mention that my childhood dream has come true: I went on Gazzetta dello Sport. Yes I know, not for the same reason that I wanted to see ... but that's okay.
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