Monday, March 16, 2009

Trading Spaces Bed Buiding


IL TEATRO Massimo Vittorio Emanuele - 3

Per la costruzione del MASSIMO, il cui nome era stato già assegnato, ancora prima della progettazione, furono proposti vari spazi. Il primo in Piazza Marina, un altro nel piano S. Onofrio sotto la via Maqueda , venne ipotizzato anche l’abbattimento dell’antico palazzo dei marchesi Ugo in piazza Bologni , ma fu anche questa ipotesi , scartata poiché si andava  incontro a costosi interventions
and excessive changes planning of the area. The area chosen reflected the will of the viceroy Caracciolo who wanted a new theater outside the door Maqueda. You chose well, the area that led to the demolition of the district San Giuliano. To create this space for future art theater were sacrificed two houses and three churches.
were killed, the monastery of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception of San Giuliano Teatine with the church adjoining the monastery of the stigma and the churches of Santa Marta and San Lorenzo and their cemeteries.
This choice was not acceptable to the religious conscience of many observant Catholics, respectful of the sacred places they saw replaced with a space devoted to pure fun. You may think that this criticism, too, have inspired the inscription above the theater. From the destruction of these holy places is born Legend of the Phantom of the Opera, Palermo.
Many, in fact, seem to have seen the ghost of a nun, identified by some as the superior one of the two convents, wander within the walls of the theater since it was under construction and later in the boxes to follow the performances. Some people attribute a vengeful character, perhaps to justify all the troubles that have since before the start of construction have haunted the theater and does not seem to have ceased. Others saw this as a good sister, a lover of opera that followed by an empty stage, pleased, shows. Today I do not talk about it anymore because a true connoisseur of good music and entertainment, the theater will be deserted for the slaughter perpetrated against the acoustics for the obscene scenes and royal unorthodox, in vogue today, things to which a 'expert critics as she could not remain indifferent.
Returning to theater history, the jury or the jury, convened to choose among the proposed projects in the competition, to achieve what should have been reunite in 1866 but due to the cholera epidemic was delayed following year. The projects presented were thirty-five, set out in the church of San Domenico each bore a motto as a sign of recognition.
thirty-five of us are received archetype designs in wood, as well as the entire work of the winner GBF Basile with the motto "Archetype and drawings and a sketch chart of the fourth place, by Giuseppe Damiani Almeyda, the scorer of the Teatro Politeama. The loss designs and projects is a real shame because, according to reports received, there were many beautiful works of architects from all over Europe 'that put the jury in difficulty choices, forced to exclude works which he considered very interesting, but that did not meet characteristics required by the municipality.
The jury was composed
from 1 'Sicilian architect Saverio Cavallari
2 Falcini architect Mariano of Florence
by the German architect Gottfried Semper 3
who took the chair.
I the Semper had designed and built the Vienna Hof-Opernaus admirer of the mosses of Wagner was his great friend. Was commissioned to design the Wagner-Nationaltheater that was to be built in Monaco of Bavaria, but that was not built for the excessive cost that exceeded the economic possibilities of the patron, King Ludwig II that would have wanted.
This certainly influenced the project prepared by O. Bruckwald for the construction of the Wagner Festspielhaus theater Bayreut - in 1872 - 76 -, and according to all the needs in particular those relating to the desired sound from the great German musician.
These details about the architect Gottfried Semper were highlighted to reflect on how the innovations desired by Wagner could not miss in a theater chosen by its architect.
Species the quality of the orchestra pit and the consequential goodness acoustics, for these reasons he was chosen as chairman of the jury. For these reasons, there was no need to enlarge the orchestra pit, in hedge restoration work, not yet completed , that, so, is the sound barrier between the singers and the audience, of course, with serious damage to the acoustics. It would be just enough portare a compimento ciò che il Basile aveva già previsto riguardo all'abbassamento del piano dell'orchestra. L'allargamento del gofo, oggi non più mistico è di grande ostacolo agli artisti che lamentano, anche, l'eccessiva distanzatra tra la loro posizione in plcoscenico e il direttore. Lasciando
In un primo momento il progetto del Damiani era stato, in una prima graduatoria, considerato tra i belli, superato dai più belli e dai bellissimi meritevoli di premio di cui faceva parte l’opera del Basile e molti altri tra cui il secondo e il quinto classified.
summarize the ranking of the top five projects:
ranked first with GBF Basile motto "Archetype and drawings
The s ccording classified was the work, the Neapolitan castles , with motto " Giovanni da Procida "
to third the project architect. Rega Neapolitan motto:
" Temple where divine worship arts s'an "
As mentioned above, the fourth classified, the work of Giuseppe Damiani Almeyda, with the modest motto, "Quod Potu feces, faciant meliora potentes "

fifth of Brescia Giacomo Leoni , with motto " Termini Imerese " (almost a signature, because he lived a long time just to Termini Imerese)
You know, even a sixth name, one related to a project reported to the municipality by the jury as worthy of note, with motto " Luigia " of 'arch. Fortunato Lodi di Bologna.
Le altre buste con i nomi dei progettisti non classificati non furono aperte e tantomeno i disegni, come già detto, non furono tramandati ai posteri almeno per pura conoscenza e studi futuri : un vero PECCATO.
Come ogni concorso che si rispetti, da sempre, la scelta the jury was immediately challenged.
especially since fourth place, Giuseppe Damiani Almeyda, who created a true casus belli against Basile can not accept that somebody else could do better than what he could do. as expected, given the motto of the presentation of the work:
Quod Potu feces, faciant meliora potentes.
Architects Castles and the unseasoned and Rega respectively ranked third, elegantly departed for Naples, unaware of their plans we can not give no opinion, but since it preceded the Almeida in the evaluation of judges, it seems too much in wanting revenge for the fourth ranked challenge the court to affirm his project. After the dispute between Damiani and Almeida Basile, other difficulties, contributed to dwell and work began, so by Giovan Battista Filippo Basile various vicissitudes, not least economic, political hatched by the municipal administration, which lasted for 24 years. I the Basile realized he could not see his great work because it was less than the living June 16, 1891. Today, enhancing the size and style of the theater, to appreciate the pain that gave its designer, who died prematurely during the execution of the work and the various disputes. His successor, in the direction of the work was his son Ernesto.
May 16, 1897 and comes after the recent completion of the vicissitudes that haunt the theater, to the last, the Maximus opens almost by itself, necessarily d 'inertia, since men have done everything to prevent it. As for the reopening, after another 24-year closure for renovations, the 1997.
Approximately 24 years for the construction and the same for the restructuring, before he was to carry a century after the inauguration. On 16 May 1897, the first inauguration in May 1997 opened after 24 years of closure. It seems that this theater glory of the city has weighed and weights too to administrators Palermo, almost to the point that he had never wanted and still want it.
Returning to the opening night of 1897, was there, as at the opening of the theater politeama, the son of the king, to whom the theater was dedicated: Umberto I, admiring the scene, he seems to say, perhaps to himself, "perhaps Palermo needed a theater so big?" But someone has heard and reported.
The first work that inaugurated the Teatro Massimo Vittorio Emanuele is "Falstaff," the last and most recent work GiuseppeVerdi still alive. Among the singers in the role of Falstaff, the low Arturo Pessina, and a young tenor, Enrico Caruso at the beginning of his career. On the podium the Neapolitan master Leopoldo Mugnone. The "Giornale di Sicilia of May 18, 1897 in reporting the news wrote: "Mugnone brought the orchestra to the conquest of glory."
Teatro Massimo 1
Theatre Up to 2


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