WEDNESDAY 'December 8 11.00
presents "the white handkerchief "
( Topipittori )
Rita Monticelli and Fulvio Pezzarossa
"The white handkerchief" is a story in words and pictures intense and Heartbreaking. It is the story of a departure from their homeland and their own traditions and a tear from his family, loved and hated with equal violence. But it is also the story of a confrontation with the harsh realities of the cold and inhospitable land where those who get migrated.
Finally, it is the story of a back full of anxiety and joy, full of pathos and emotion, thanks to which, after the rebellion and the flight of young people, find the meaning of emotions and their roots.
A poignant tale, in which images are necessary because the script in a continuous balance between the tenderness of words and the harshness of the landscapes evoked.
If for some time also the official culture is paying attention to the many literary texts, through which voices from around the world put strong and unexpected aspects of novelty in Italian literature, much more elusive is the phenomenon of a large production for children created by intellectual figures of migrants.
authors and designers have instead helped to build over time a large part of texts, such as the topical theme of interculturalism is not only a product of teaching strategies, but arises from the actual trade routes and passages between countries, cultures, fantasies. They are capable, by reference to a scene laden with emotion, to expand the eyes of young and old, to embrace with equal affection and attention un mondo che ormai non si può cogliere se non nella sua intera globalità, senza più confini e barriere fra parole, immagini e sentimenti.
VIOREL BOLDIS è nato a Oradea, nel nord ovest della Transilvania, in Romania. Vive e lavora in Italia dal 1995. Autore di racconti e poesie, ha vinto numerosi e prestigiosi premi letterari. Sue poesie sono state pubblicate in varie antologie e riviste. Ha pubblicato; "Da solo nella fossa comune" Gedit Edizioni 2006; "Amir" Sinnos 2009; "Rap...sodie migranti" Centro Studi Tindari Patti 2009. Partecipa a vari seminari sulla letteratura migrante.
RITA MONTICELLI è ricercatrice presso il Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne University of Bologna. His main research interests are the study of representations, transmission and reception of memory in contexts traumatic and post-traumatic and in contexts of post-conflict situations, gender studies, the women's studies, theories of culture, postcolonial critique and intercultural awareness, the relationship between literature and visual culture. He teaches literature of English-speaking countries and theories of gender studies at the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures.
FULVIO Pezzarossi teaches Sociology of Literature at the University of Bologna. He is interested in for years of literary production of the new Italian citizens, leaders of migration. He founded e dirige la rivista specializzata «Scritture Migranti»; una sua riflessione critica sugli scrittori di seconda generazione è all’interno del vol. "Certi confini. Sulla letteratura italiana dell’immigrazione", a cura di Lucia Quaquarelli, Milano, Morellini, 2010.
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