TUESDAY 'December 14 18.00
"RECIPES traditional Sicilian"
( Minerva editions )
intervenes ISABELLA GUERRINI , eco-landscape, Association "Terra Rossa, Terra Verde, Southern Land"
Tuesday, December 14 at 18.00 the last meeting of 2010 the library Irnerio.
ended the year by presenting a book that moves us and fills us with pride, "Recipes of the Sicilian tradition" is born in our library, the meeting between a cook with a passion and talent for the story, Maria Antonietta Ficano, our customers and friends, and Robert Mugavero, Editions Minerva. So it's a book you feel a bit '"our", and that's why we invite you to attend the very next Tuesday.
But it is a book that would be worth knowing anyway. The traditional Sicilian recipes are not only exposed for what concerns the ingredients and execution. Every recipe, every ingredient is contextualized, and loaded with a history or anecdotes that make us really want to come back to the house to cook (if the anemic Vegetable Bolognese guarantee us the same results).
The author, in his passion for flowers, and her kitchen is full of them, not only use but purely aesthetic gourmet.
recipes Marie Antoinette have the scent of sun and sea, the sea of \u200b\u200bSicily and is the author dedicates the book. But it also devotes itself to the force that has had to face and overcome many hardships, and many succeed in reaching the targets it had set, thanks to his tenacity. An example for many.
Marie Antoinette's recipes are alive, because their history is interseca con la storia della sua famiglia, e ne diventano espressione e memoria. Leggendo il libro si va letteralmente "a tavola con i Ficano", e si diventa parte della famiglia.
La cucina, in questo libro, si fa letteratura, storia, poesia.
"La cultura non si mangia", ha detto non più tardi di qualche settimana fa il Ministro Tremonti.
Ma sappiamo sempre più quanto l'alimentazione - e la cucina, che ne è l'espressione consapevole - sia invece un mezzo del tutto adeguato per conoscere e studiare gli aspetti culturali e sociali dei popoli.
Martedì, alla libreria Irnerio, mangiamo cultura.
In questo libro, tra l'altro, leggerete di:
"Melanzana farcita al cioccolato"
"Caponata to Ficano"
"Apricots in Marsala"
Spaghetti, dried fruits and herbs, "
" fillet of sea bream with wild fennel "
Intrigued? Come Tuesday
to know Marie Antoinette and "Recipes of the Sicilian tradition"
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