Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Remove A Small Tattoo From Home


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With a parody of the now famous presentation "Apple style", this video of a English bookseller and advertises extols the virtues of the traditional paper book
(Video in English with subtitles in Italian).

Saturday, December 11, 2010

How To Solve Level 19 In Electric Box


TUESDAY 'December 14 18.00

"RECIPES traditional Sicilian"
( Minerva editions )
intervenes ISABELLA GUERRINI , eco-landscape, Association "Terra Rossa, Terra Verde, Southern Land"

Tuesday, December 14 at 18.00 the last meeting of 2010 the library Irnerio.
ended the year by presenting a book that moves us and fills us with pride, "Recipes of the Sicilian tradition" is born in our library, the meeting between a cook with a passion and talent for the story, Maria Antonietta Ficano, our customers and friends, and Robert Mugavero, Editions Minerva.
So it's a book you feel a bit '"our", and that's why we invite you to attend the very next Tuesday.

But it is a book that would be worth knowing anyway. The traditional Sicilian recipes are not only exposed for what concerns the ingredients and execution. Every recipe, every ingredient is contextualized, and loaded with a history or anecdotes that make us really want to come back to the house to cook (if the anemic Vegetable Bolognese guarantee us the same results).

The author, in his passion for flowers, and her kitchen is full of them, not only use but purely aesthetic gourmet.

recipes Marie Antoinette have the scent of sun and sea, the sea of \u200b\u200bSicily and is the author dedicates the book. But it also devotes itself to the force that has had to face and overcome many hardships, and many succeed in reaching the targets it had set, thanks to his tenacity. An example for many.

Marie Antoinette's recipes are alive, because their history is interseca con la storia della sua famiglia, e ne diventano espressione e memoria. Leggendo il libro si va letteralmente "a tavola con i Ficano", e si diventa parte della famiglia.
La cucina, in questo libro, si fa letteratura, storia, poesia.
"La cultura non si mangia", ha detto non più tardi di qualche settimana fa il Ministro Tremonti.
Ma sappiamo sempre più quanto l'alimentazione - e la cucina, che ne è l'espressione consapevole - sia invece un mezzo del tutto adeguato per conoscere e studiare gli aspetti culturali e sociali dei popoli.
Martedì, alla libreria Irnerio, mangiamo cultura.

In questo libro, tra l'altro, leggerete di:
"Melanzana farcita al cioccolato"
"Caponata to Ficano"
"Apricots in Marsala"
Spaghetti, dried fruits and herbs, "
" fillet of sea bream with wild fennel "

Intrigued? Come Tuesday
to know Marie Antoinette and "Recipes of the Sicilian tradition"

What Is The Scale Measure Of Hogwarts


Sunday December 12 17.00

GIANUMBERTO ACCINELLI and GIORGIO Sandrolini have the latest in home EUGEO:
EMILY DICKINSON, "Nature does not knock, you enter SAFE ".

Gardens literary Eugea are among the most interesting literary experiment. Combining the spirit and letter of the word "anthology" ("gathering of flowers", "anthology"), the editors and Giorgio Gianumberto Accinelli Sandrolini have selected poems and songs of some of the most famous literary (Marcel Proust, Herman Hesse, Emily Dickinson ), involved more than others to grow between of their production lines the gardens of colors and scents that reliving in their minds. They then accompanied these selections with the comments of the naturalist, keen to help students of this or that to grow not only in the mind but also in some corner of the green garden of his literary author. And why this was even better, have joined the various volumes a selection of seeds in order to create useful, and not just imagine, its own garden of poetry, "where nature and literary debate could weave, like a garland of flowers, without interruption.

Sunday we will focus in particular on the last volume came out, one dedicated to Emily Dickinson, who in his poetic works devoted particular attention to nature, and lives so fully in this series. From Sunday, therefore, we can prepare ourselves not only to read his poems, but also to see and smell it.

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Saturday, December 11 18.00


presents " SEASONS OF CINNA " (Minerva Editions) with the voice and guitar to accompany CARPANI FAUSTO.

Last year at this time, we present in the library "The Almanac of Cinni", a book that has struck many readers actually pay attention to "things Bologna" by the grace and lightness with which he was told the time of the year of Bologna fifties, as seen through the eyes of those who was then, precisely, a Cinna.

Saturday Cinni those returning, to tell other stories and other anecdotes.

Cinni At the time of the month slipped slowly, week after week, day after day, hour after hour, even minute lasted an eternity and the seasons, as if by magic, they took with them a new wonder. The first day of the year were customary greetings, house by house. The longest night of the Epiphany was on hold. Those were years when the end of the summer was decreed by the first radio commentary on "All the soccer minute by minute." The official start of autumn, however, was enshrined in the first day of school smocks and appearance of the first blacks. Until then, it was always summer, because "summer" meant school holidays. The school started on time on October 1 every year when someone had not yet finished the book frightening the holidays. The seasons were really something extraordinary. And as time went slowly, shyly Cinni began to appear in the doorway the adult world.

CLAUDIO BOLOGNINI has already been published, in addition to "The Almanac of Cinni, several novels:" The tree of Rusticana "(Giraldi)," Apache "(Limington)," The place of the violets' (Giraldi) , "The Ballad of Dante Cane" (Renoedizioni), "The House of Garibaldi" (Nerosubianco)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Weak Bladder Before Period


WEDNESDAY 'December 8 11.00


presents "the white handkerchief "
( Topipittori )
Rita Monticelli and Fulvio Pezzarossa

"The white handkerchief" is a story in words and pictures intense and Heartbreaking. It is the story of a departure from their homeland and their own traditions and a tear from his family, loved and hated with equal violence. But it is also the story of a confrontation with the harsh realities of the cold and inhospitable land where those who get migrated.

Finally, it is the story of a back full of anxiety and joy, full of pathos and emotion, thanks to which, after the rebellion and the flight of young people, find the meaning of emotions and their roots.
A poignant tale, in which images are necessary because the script in a continuous balance between the tenderness of words and the harshness of the landscapes evoked.

If for some time also the official culture is paying attention to the many literary texts, through which voices from around the world put strong and unexpected aspects of novelty in Italian literature, much more elusive is the phenomenon of a large production for children created by intellectual figures of migrants.

authors and designers have instead helped to build over time a large part of texts, such as the topical theme of interculturalism is not only a product of teaching strategies, but arises from the actual trade routes and passages between countries, cultures, fantasies. They are capable, by reference to a scene laden with emotion, to expand the eyes of young and old, to embrace with equal affection and attention un mondo che ormai non si può cogliere se non nella sua intera globalità, senza più confini e barriere fra parole, immagini e sentimenti.

VIOREL BOLDIS è nato a Oradea, nel nord ovest della Transilvania, in Romania. Vive e lavora in Italia dal 1995. Autore di racconti e poesie, ha vinto numerosi e prestigiosi premi letterari. Sue poesie sono state pubblicate in varie antologie e riviste. Ha pubblicato; "Da solo nella fossa comune" Gedit Edizioni 2006; "Amir" Sinnos 2009; "Rap...sodie migranti" Centro Studi Tindari Patti 2009. Partecipa a vari seminari sulla letteratura migrante.

RITA MONTICELLI è ricercatrice presso il Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne University of Bologna. His main research interests are the study of representations, transmission and reception of memory in contexts traumatic and post-traumatic and in contexts of post-conflict situations, gender studies, the women's studies, theories of culture, postcolonial critique and intercultural awareness, the relationship between literature and visual culture. He teaches literature of English-speaking countries and theories of gender studies at the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures.

FULVIO Pezzarossi teaches Sociology of Literature at the University of Bologna. He is interested in for years of literary production of the new Italian citizens, leaders of migration. He founded e dirige la rivista specializzata «Scritture Migranti»; una sua riflessione critica sugli scrittori di seconda generazione è all’interno del vol. "Certi confini. Sulla letteratura italiana dell’immigrazione", a cura di Lucia Quaquarelli, Milano, Morellini, 2010.

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presenta il volume
( Eugea edizioni )

“Da alcuni decenni numerose persone devote their lives to remind us that pregnancy and childbirth are natural events and not "diseases", as we are led to believe. While I have the greatest respect for all of them, I think that if there has been talk of natural and rightly so, too little talk about the sacredness of birth.

With this book I would like to tell how the party is an event not only natural but also sacred. By sacred I mean that which can never be trivially treated as inspiring and evocative of the mystery that we are, what is sacred to always have respect as the guardian of value. "
These are the reasons that the author is proposing to introduce the volume "Dall'epidurale at birth." A book that intends to focus its attention on the importance of life expectancy and the birth of farming, first of all listening, using yoga to reach at the time of birth in full awareness of self (as a parent) and child.

This volume is part of the latest editorial production by Euge, one of the most interesting editorial recently arisen in Bologna. Euge, university spin-off of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bologna, aims to bring back nature and its beauty in the city, stimulating environmental awareness of citizens ee providing useful products to the reconstruction of a natural habitat. Dall'epidurale meditation "insert in this way because Eugea addresses "the ecology of any private citizen", which individually can make decisions that will make him feel more in harmony with the world.

BEATRICE Benfenati practicing yoga for over thirty years. E 'co-founder of ASIA, the Association of Inner Space Environment, together with the teacher with whom Franco Bertossa practice meditation and Aikido. In Asia she has founded the "school of Yoga in pregnancy," to accompany the women from the first month of pregnancy until delivery and after birth. He also runs courses for yoga teachers and practitioners in the field of birth.