Sunday, February 24, 2008

Brawny Tall Kitchen Bags

In Turin 'flexible, temporary'

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
International Conference organized Ministry of Labour

The participants included the Ministers of Labour in France (Xavier Bertrand), Germany (Kajo Wasserhövel), Hungary (Monika Lampert ), Slovenia (Mrs Cotman).

Torino - Two days of confrontation over what has been done and what has yet to be done in Europe, and Italy in particular, to achieve the European road to flexicurity. That 's what the proposed international conference' Flexible, not precarious', organized by the Ministry of Labour, in Turin. "It tratta di un'iniziativa - ha detto il ministro del Lavoro, Cesare Damiano, presentando la conferenza a Roma insieme alla presidente della regione Piemonte, Mercedes Bresso - in cantiere già da tempo, prima della crisi di governo, e che si inserisce nell'attività internazionale del ministero del Lavoro che, in questi due anni, è stata molto intensa”. Obiettivo del convegno dare risposte all'esigenza europea di sintesi tra flessibilità, necessaria alle imprese per competere sui mercati globali, e solidarietà, ponendo l'accento sulle politiche di inclusione e di coesione e sul rispetto dei diritti dei lavoratori. Su questo, a confronto politici, sindacalisti e ricercatori sociali, oltre ai ministri del Lavoro di Francia (Xavier Bertrand), Germany (Kajo Wasserhövel), Hungary (Monika Lampert), Slovenia (Mrs Cotman).

"In these two years - said Damiano - we have established a practice on European issues, we have initiated consultation with social partners and seminars twice a year at the CNEL. We wanted to open a window on Europe and Italy as we have chosen to support a range of 'flexicurity', which meant a reduction of protection of job security. " Damiano explained that "according to surveys by the Ministry of Labour, in Italy, flexible working affects approximately 12-13% of the employed." This, said the minister "of a given aligned with European standards. " "The difference - he stressed - is that in Italy it remains too long in the condition of flexible and this helps to identify the flexibility with job insecurity."

"A conference to confront the issue of flexibility, which relates particularly (but not limited to) the world of youth." So began by Mercedes Bresso, President of Piedmont. "The integration of the labor market - he said - is one of the objectives to be completed in Europe, because flexibility is not only a loss but is also the possibility of changing jobs, people and places. Today and tomorrow even more a guy can work in 4-5 countries in Europe and then the question arises of how to integrate the pension system, health care for themselves and family. In short, it is important that countries work together on this. " Ben is, therefore, "a debate on flexicurity, flexibility - has made it clear Bresso - which does not attach to job insecurity, thanks to the systems of training, retraining, providing social security systems for the future." "Only those who can go in this direction, he concluded, can be competitive in the world."


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