Thursday, February 28, 2008

Russianbare Streaming

Call center: project contracts betray the spirit of the law

Giovedì 28 febbraio 2008
intervento del Ministro del Lavoro Cesare Damiano pubblicato su "il sole 24 ore"

Seguo con very interesting work on the blog Il. I think it is a much-needed space for discussion on employment in Italy inspired by the workers themselves, especially during this election period in which government programs are emerging from various parties and groupings. To identify the most appropriate solutions to problems, we need analysis, taking into account the constraints and compatibility, but also practical experience that will give us the pulse of the situation into a working reality more complex and articulated. Ben interventions are as passionate as those Michela Murgia encourage us and allow us to clarify our work and our point di vista.
Michela fa riferimento alla nostra politica sulla legge Biagi e al problema specifico dei call center. Sono problemi contigui ma è utile distinguere. La legge Biagi ha regolato una realtà preesistente caratterizzata da una percentuale di lavoratori a termine in linea - e anche leggermente inferiore - con quella dei principali paesi europei. Il problema del precariato è complesso, non è certo abolendo tout court la legge Biagi che avremo i contratti precari trasformati automaticamente in rapporti a tempo indeterminato. Più probabile che le imprese ricorrano alle partite IVA, al sommerso, oppure riducano la domanda di lavoro. D'altra parte la flessibilità, se può essere utile per favorire l'ingresso nel mercato of work, he does not even turn into a trap of insecurity. In this perspective with the Memorandum of welfare we have promoted measures that have eliminated most forms of contract and precarizzanti which put a brake on the reiteration of the contracts of fixed-term employees. The case of call centers, however, is different: here we are faced with benefits that are configured as employees no doubt but that they were "framed" as collaboration on projects, in clear defiance of the spirit and letter of Law 30, which does not in case we have applied in its entirety as opposed to what has been done by the previous government, which is why we intervened with Circular 17/2006 on the inbound call center. Following intervention Labour Inspectors there have been many agreements, such as Atesia, which have stabilized over 20 thousand people in an area where the rule was precarious and mischief (often) the employer and so we offered to women and workers' contributions illness, leave of absence for maternity and the right to leave.
But there are more than 30 000 workers still waiting for a permanent contract. Faced with this picture, as I said Tuesday at a national conference of workers in call center outsourcing organized by the CGIL, I support the establishment of a move aimed at stabilizing the so-called outbound. The problem is that the government can only do the ordinary administration, but the political will exists to proceed without delay to remedy any situations that are a clear violation of existing legislation. By the fourth round of this year I have in fact strengthened the inspection activity aims to expose the "false" collaborations, not only in companies that provide call center services, but in all the sectors most interested in using the project contract, often in the form suspect.
As for the Democratic Party, the presence of an expert as Ichino is without doubt an enrichment of an already competitive team: through a comparison of the different positions we can find pragmatic solutions that balance the need for flexibility business with the right of people to build a future founded on certainties. I believe that the proposed minimum wage of 1000 € for atypical workers is an important first step to secure their standard of living in a difficult time that lies ahead for the economy. The Democratic Party was created to give concrete and realistic solutions, without the distorting lenses of ideology and not make promises far-fetched. Many young people live in a complex work situation. We want to be with them, defending them from those who sell dreams, attractive but unrealistic.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Brawny Tall Kitchen Bags

In Turin 'flexible, temporary'

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
International Conference organized Ministry of Labour

The participants included the Ministers of Labour in France (Xavier Bertrand), Germany (Kajo Wasserhövel), Hungary (Monika Lampert ), Slovenia (Mrs Cotman).

Torino - Two days of confrontation over what has been done and what has yet to be done in Europe, and Italy in particular, to achieve the European road to flexicurity. That 's what the proposed international conference' Flexible, not precarious', organized by the Ministry of Labour, in Turin. "It tratta di un'iniziativa - ha detto il ministro del Lavoro, Cesare Damiano, presentando la conferenza a Roma insieme alla presidente della regione Piemonte, Mercedes Bresso - in cantiere già da tempo, prima della crisi di governo, e che si inserisce nell'attività internazionale del ministero del Lavoro che, in questi due anni, è stata molto intensa”. Obiettivo del convegno dare risposte all'esigenza europea di sintesi tra flessibilità, necessaria alle imprese per competere sui mercati globali, e solidarietà, ponendo l'accento sulle politiche di inclusione e di coesione e sul rispetto dei diritti dei lavoratori. Su questo, a confronto politici, sindacalisti e ricercatori sociali, oltre ai ministri del Lavoro di Francia (Xavier Bertrand), Germany (Kajo Wasserhövel), Hungary (Monika Lampert), Slovenia (Mrs Cotman).

"In these two years - said Damiano - we have established a practice on European issues, we have initiated consultation with social partners and seminars twice a year at the CNEL. We wanted to open a window on Europe and Italy as we have chosen to support a range of 'flexicurity', which meant a reduction of protection of job security. " Damiano explained that "according to surveys by the Ministry of Labour, in Italy, flexible working affects approximately 12-13% of the employed." This, said the minister "of a given aligned with European standards. " "The difference - he stressed - is that in Italy it remains too long in the condition of flexible and this helps to identify the flexibility with job insecurity."

"A conference to confront the issue of flexibility, which relates particularly (but not limited to) the world of youth." So began by Mercedes Bresso, President of Piedmont. "The integration of the labor market - he said - is one of the objectives to be completed in Europe, because flexibility is not only a loss but is also the possibility of changing jobs, people and places. Today and tomorrow even more a guy can work in 4-5 countries in Europe and then the question arises of how to integrate the pension system, health care for themselves and family. In short, it is important that countries work together on this. " Ben is, therefore, "a debate on flexicurity, flexibility - has made it clear Bresso - which does not attach to job insecurity, thanks to the systems of training, retraining, providing social security systems for the future." "Only those who can go in this direction, he concluded, can be competitive in the world."

What Does The Term Sharking Mean

84% of young people do not know meaning of the word 'flexicurity'

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Research conducted on a sample of 1,000 young people aged 18 to 34 years of age

For the majority of young (45 %), the model of flexibility accompanied by training and social protection, in Italy, can not work.

An important word, which is perhaps contained the solution to many ills that plague the labor market is 'flexicurity', a mixture of flexibility and security which should ensure that workers (especially young) to break into global with adequate social protection. Yet, the majority of young people (84%) do not know. Emerges from research conducted by the Piepoli, a sample of 1,000 young people aged 18 to 34 years of age, and commissioned by the Ministry of Labour, to understand what is the perception that young people in the world of employment. The study, conducted at the European International Conference 'Flexible non-temporary', in Turin, was presented in Rome by the Labour Minister Cesare Damiano, and the President of the Piemonte region, Mercedes Bresso. 58% of respondents claimed to be employed, 42% are looking for a job, 15.5% of whom are students and housewives and held odd jobs, and another 15.5% have never been occupied. In all, therefore, it is still facing the considerable work of about 85% of young people aged 18 to 34 years. Among these, however, only 45% have a permanent contract, while the majority (55%) have contracts.

The precarious real (as defined in the research work situation of insecurity which has two factors: the lack of continuity and lack of adequate income) is a condition that affected 44% of respondents. And the criticism that young people are moving to precarious point: for 55% of young people is synonymous with 'economic uncertainty' and 33% of 'insecurity', while the term 'Flexibility' is much less present in the minds of young and not significant. Few or no positive aspects of job insecurity, defined as 'an opportunity for varied work experience' only 19% of young people.

The concept of flexicurity is known only through the university and no young man he met through other means. Emerge, however, strong resistance against this model: 67% of young people think that flexicurity can not exceed the current state of insecurity. Moreover, for the majority of young people (45% of the total), the model of flexibility accompanied by training and social protection, in Italy, can not work. Una nota di speranza viene dalle aspettative: più di metà dei ragazzi intervistati (56%), infatti, si dichiara fiducioso per il proprio futuro lavorativo.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

South Pole Sweaters Baby Blue

The government crisis has halted the progress of the draft law on amendments to art. 2112

sabato 23 febbraio 2008

La caduta del Governo avvenuta alla fine di gennaio, tra le altre cose, ha prodotto il fermo dei lavori parlamentari, quindi anche della discussione del progetto di legge 2261 di cui abbiamo riportato il testo nelle scorse settimane.
Quanto tempo dovrà ancora trascorrere prima di vedere modificata la normativa riguardante il trasferimento di ramo d'azienda rimane pertanto un'incognita legata al quadro politico che verrà a comporsi dopo le prossime elezioni politiche April 13, 2008.