Monday, January 14, 2008

100by100 Multiply Chart

"These leaders are people from the double-face

Monday, January 24, 2008
World of Alexander for ""

I am appalled. I think the day of the funeral in the Cathedral of the vertex Thyssen came with great pomp after the German ambassador ... Now I would like to know what the real face of the company. "
Word of Sergio Chiamparino. The mayor of Turin, came aware of the document seized by Italian investigators to the manager of the German multinational, does not mince words to censor an episode "that certainly does not bode well for a large industrial group."
The opinions expressed dismay at the property on the media overexposure of the workers and their fellow survivors, reported in the dossier, is accompanied by anger over the representation of the city: "A caricature," says the mayor.
He feels betrayed by this behavior?
"You have to understand. If the document is written by a zealous officer, eager to please his masters, we are faced with an unpleasant attitude ma isolato. Se invece dovessimo scoprire che questa ricostruzione dei fatti rispecchia il giudizio della Thyssen nel suo complesso... beh, allora la cosa sarebbe preoccupante».
Che cosa la preoccupa, in particolare?
«La doppia faccia dei miei interlocutori, e quindi l’impossibilità di sapere con chi ho parlato finora. Al netto della disapprovazione etica e morale, che è scontata, questo è il vero problema per chi rappresenta le istituzioni».
Lei quale faccia conosceva fino a ieri?
«Quando l’amministratore delegato di Thyssen Italia Harald Espenhahn e altri suoi colleghi sono venuti da me, avevano usato ben altre parole. Si were also apologized to the city, showing saddened by the tragedy. Not only had pledged support to the families of the victims, but these were available to discuss the relocation and the future of other workers. Now I hear trenchant judgments that call into question the workers of Turin and the image itself. And that I find unacceptable. "
It seems that the German group did not appreciate the media overexposure of the survivors and their companions.
"A censure is inconceivable."
The analysis does not ignore the references to reality in Turin: the union tradition of communist-style to the facts of blood during the Years Lead ...
"It seems to read a book by Edmondo de Amicis, with good on one side and the other bad guys."
... All this against "environmental conditions" that according to management were unfavorable to the maintenance of the production well before the tragedy of December.
"Let's go ... All we can say, but not that one of the Thyssen was a union of "no". "
So how do you explain that?
"At best, this reconstruction caricature is the result of insufficient knowledge of our city, let's say ignorance. Otherwise you just have to the assumption of bad faith '
In what sense?
"I do not want it to be a misguided attempt to justify the extremely fragile under-investment in the plant in Turin, with repercussions on the security front. Fallout, it seems, are emerging from the investigation. "
way, mayor after the release of this news you have been contacted by any representative of the company?
"Absolutely not."


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