Friday, January 25, 2008

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Bill 2261: Amendments to Article 2112 of the Civil Code

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Chamber of Deputies

Bill: 2261 (Phase process Room: 1st reading)
BURGIO and others: "Amendments to Article 2112 of the Civil Code relating to the maintenance of workers' rights in case of transfer of an undertaking or business unit" (2261)
process State: Assigned to the Labour Commission XI on 26 February 2007

Quotes From 1906 Earthquake

January 21, 2008. Finally!

Monday 21 gennaio 2008

Mercoledì 16 gennaio, finalmente, la Commissione Lavoro ha ufficialmente annunciato di aver messo in calendario la proposta di legge n. 2261 d'iniziativa dei deputati Burgio, Zipponi, Pagliarini, Ferrara, Rocchi, Provera e De Cristofaro concernente modifiche all'articolo 2112 del codice civile in materia di mantenimento dei diritti dei lavoratori in caso di trasferimento d'azienda o di ramo d'azienda.
La proposta di legge, presentata il 14 febbraio 2007, ha ricevuto cioè il via libera per la discussione, che avverrà entro e non oltre la fine del mese di gennaio.
Come è evidente, ciò non comporta o implica la sua approval, even more so at a time for such a complex policy framework and the Italian Parliament. Marks only the beginning of the process of discussion. But it is already a first decisive step.

Monday, January 14, 2008

100by100 Multiply Chart

"These leaders are people from the double-face

Monday, January 24, 2008
World of Alexander for ""

I am appalled. I think the day of the funeral in the Cathedral of the vertex Thyssen came with great pomp after the German ambassador ... Now I would like to know what the real face of the company. "
Word of Sergio Chiamparino. The mayor of Turin, came aware of the document seized by Italian investigators to the manager of the German multinational, does not mince words to censor an episode "that certainly does not bode well for a large industrial group."
The opinions expressed dismay at the property on the media overexposure of the workers and their fellow survivors, reported in the dossier, is accompanied by anger over the representation of the city: "A caricature," says the mayor.
He feels betrayed by this behavior?
"You have to understand. If the document is written by a zealous officer, eager to please his masters, we are faced with an unpleasant attitude ma isolato. Se invece dovessimo scoprire che questa ricostruzione dei fatti rispecchia il giudizio della Thyssen nel suo complesso... beh, allora la cosa sarebbe preoccupante».
Che cosa la preoccupa, in particolare?
«La doppia faccia dei miei interlocutori, e quindi l’impossibilità di sapere con chi ho parlato finora. Al netto della disapprovazione etica e morale, che è scontata, questo è il vero problema per chi rappresenta le istituzioni».
Lei quale faccia conosceva fino a ieri?
«Quando l’amministratore delegato di Thyssen Italia Harald Espenhahn e altri suoi colleghi sono venuti da me, avevano usato ben altre parole. Si were also apologized to the city, showing saddened by the tragedy. Not only had pledged support to the families of the victims, but these were available to discuss the relocation and the future of other workers. Now I hear trenchant judgments that call into question the workers of Turin and the image itself. And that I find unacceptable. "
It seems that the German group did not appreciate the media overexposure of the survivors and their companions.
"A censure is inconceivable."
The analysis does not ignore the references to reality in Turin: the union tradition of communist-style to the facts of blood during the Years Lead ...
"It seems to read a book by Edmondo de Amicis, with good on one side and the other bad guys."
... All this against "environmental conditions" that according to management were unfavorable to the maintenance of the production well before the tragedy of December.
"Let's go ... All we can say, but not that one of the Thyssen was a union of "no". "
So how do you explain that?
"At best, this reconstruction caricature is the result of insufficient knowledge of our city, let's say ignorance. Otherwise you just have to the assumption of bad faith '
In what sense?
"I do not want it to be a misguided attempt to justify the extremely fragile under-investment in the plant in Turin, with repercussions on the security front. Fallout, it seems, are emerging from the investigation. "
way, mayor after the release of this news you have been contacted by any representative of the company?
"Absolutely not."

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Quotes About The Sermon On The Mount

Fiom:" Summits Thyssen scoundrels "

Sunday, January 13, 2008

reaction after the alleged secret dossier

"of genuine scoundrels" who seek to intimidate the workers. So Giorgio Cremaschi, national secretary of Fiom, described the management of ThyssenKrupp, commenting on the news published by the 'Corriere della Sera'. In the Milanese newspaper speaks of a secret report of the manager of the steel in which it criticizes the excessive television exposure of the workers who make it impossible for managers to take disciplinary action.

Cremaschi then warned: "Between the lines means preparing to intimidate workers to testify in court." Antonio Boccuzzi too hard, factory worker Thyssen di Torino che ha detto: "Dopo il danno, la beffa. Nessuno di noi va di in tv in tv, come loro asseriscono, per cercare di diventare un divo".

"Siamo qui solo per raccontare cosa non funzionò quella notte e cosa non funzionava in quel periodo - ha aggiunto Boccuzzi - Credo che sia ancora una volta una totale mancanza di sensibilità e di umanità da parte dell`azienda. Non riesco a capire che tipo di provvedimenti possano prendere, perché nessuno ha raccontato
cose non vere", ha infine concluso Boccuzzi.

Il dossier segreto
Un documento apparentemente informale scritto in tedesco da un responsabile della ThyssenKrupp italiana e indirizzato ai capi in Germania per cercare di spiegare la situazione dopo il rogo del 6 dicembre a Torino e la morte di 7 operai. Nello scritto, sequestrato non si sa se nello stabilimento di Terni o nell'abitazione di uno dei 3 dirigenti italiani dell'azienda già indagati per omicidio e disastro colposo (il procuratore di Torino, Raffaele Guariniello, dice di non saperne nulla) si parla di una Torino storicamente culla di certo sindacalismo duro se non addirittura del terrorismo negli anni di piombo, di 'condizioni ambientali' cittadine sfavorevoli al mantenimento dell'attività produttiva e questo anche prima della tragedia di dicembre.

Inoltre si dice che gli operai sopravissuti e i compagni delle vittime 'passano di televisione in televisione',
come fossero eroi, ma che per il momento would not be appropriate to take disciplinary action against them, but what could be considered in the future. Finally, it also refers to the Italian political situation when it is claimed that the Prodi government, which would span a period of crisis, however, could benefit by the great attention by the media at the stake in Turin to distract the attention of readers and viewers to the problems most urgent of the country.

Chiamparino: "Perhaps the work of a single manager
Mayor Chiamparino considers this" not so important because it could also be the work of a single person and then made a somewhat limited, but not hide comunque il suo disappunto: "Quando l'ad della Thyssen Italia Harald Espenhahn e altri suoi colleghi sono venuti da me hanno usato ben altre parole nei confronti della città e degli operai, bisogna capire ora se i pensieri contenuti in questa nota rappresentato il parere dell'azienda o di qualcuno in specifico. I riferimenti su Torino e sulla storia democratica e sociale, disegnata come una caricatura - conclude il sindaco - sono comunque ignoranti e strumentali, e quelli sui lavoratori della Tyssen di Torino gravissimi".

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The Thyssen after the fire: the workers are the heroes on TV

Domenica 13 gennaio 2008
di Vera Schiavazzi per il corriere della sera

I pm di Torino found a secret report of the manager
"The Prodi government in crisis takes advantage of the attention on us"

TORINO - reserved for internal analysis on the Italian political situation, the reactions and attitudes of labor and social media in the aftermath of the fire at the ThyssenKrupp in the night between 5 and 6 December, which killed seven workers. The document - the contents of which, if confirmed, would seem better than any other material witness to the attitude assumed by the German parent company in respect of its Italian branches and in particular steel mill in Turin from discontinued operations - was seized last Thursday in Terni course of searches in the factory and in the homes of three top Italian executives (CEO Harald Espenhahn, Gerald Priegnitz and Marco Pucci) Group already registered for disaster murder and manslaughter under investigation. In the note written in German or maybe translated into this language just to speed it to all the managers concerned, we analyze the history and reality of the city of Turin, where it exists - registering ThyssenKrupp officials - "a long tradition of trade union communist-style ', where in previous years and the tragedy of the "environmental conditions" appeared to be unfavorable to the maintenance of productive activity. Do not miss remote nods to the history of Italian and Turin "leaden years" of which the person who signs the analysis points out some of the most bloody terrorist Red Brigades in Turin have been written by of subversion.

Then you need to consider the situation of 20 days in December that followed the tragedy, during which the sacrifice of the workers, their working conditions, statements of condemnation by the institutions and political forces Italian trade union and have occupied the front pages of newspapers and television news. At the top of the corporate headquarters in Essen, Germany, have clearly required elements in order to better assess the situation and can then decide on its strategy and communication is legal, the stranger analysis rapporteur shall send its comments.

The workers who survived the fire and workmates of the victims' passing of television on television "and are represented" as heroes. " A fact, the latter particularly unpleasant, which prevents any possible measure of censure or call these witnesses, who are still dependent effects and all of society, but that would be inappropriate at this time hitting a disciplinary, but not you exclude you can consider this scenario for the future, after careful analysis of the formal aspects and exhibitions printing paper and television. Finally, the letter found inside a suitcase in a search, you trace a fresco in the Italian political situation in general, noting how the same government led by Romano Prodi, who still go through a period of "crisis", could benefit extreme media attention at the stake in Turin, which may have, if anything, the role of magnet capable of distracting the attention of readers and viewers from other, more pressing problems of domestic policy.