FRIDAY 'March 11 18:30
presents the novel
(Fortepiano editions / Pendragon)
intervenes Stefano Saviotti
Rosa Emilia Nunziata in 2006 he obtained his Ph.D. in History of political parties and political movements with a thesis on radios.
From his research, which could not fail to have the heart of Bologna in the "Radio Alice", comes this intense novel, which recounts the years of student protest in Bologna through the point of view of two of the many children who, in the mid-seventies , chose Bologna as a place to live, for the stimuli and the cultural, social and political life had to offer.
James and Charles, in their early twenties, are determined to make a change in their life and a shoulder in a world that, as it is, they do not go down, then decided to leave behind a bleak and lifeless suburban Naples where they live, and leave for a city hospitable, pleasure and commitment.
It's the summer of '76. And the two young men seem to have landed in the center of the world. After a while, including protests, occupations, booze and parties, will find themselves living in one of the most complex recent history of our country: the student protest movement in the year 1977.
This movement, as is known, had an unhappy ending in the killing of his student Francesco Lorusso on March 11, 1977, with the immediate reaction that followed the crackdown and clashes with armored vehicles wanted by the then Minister of Interior Francesco Cossiga.
Among the many repressive actions of those days there was also excited by the police closure of the historic Radio Alice che fu chiusa con un'irruzione nella storica sede di via del Pratello; attraverso i suoi microfoni i fatti del marzo '77 ebbero una copertura di cronaca che per lungo tempo non si sarebbe poi ripetuta, anche grazie ad un uso allora davvero precoce della diretta telefonica.
E proprio uno dei protagonisti della radio Alice di allora, Stefano Saviotti, interverrà come interlocutore dell'autrice per raccontarci la sua Bologna di quegli anni.
Un modo per consentire a chi non c'era di capire quel clima e quel periodo storico e politico, ma anche di dare voce a chi ha una memoria da trasmettere, perchè non vada dispersa.
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