Saturday, November 27, 2010

Orange Metal Core Scooter Wheel


FRIDAY 'December 3 19.00
there will be the final meeting of the course "laugh lines" that was held during the month of November in the library to learn how to read poetry out loud funny, and which was conducted by the plaintiff Maurizio Cardillo.

Friday, the talented students of the course will prove to all those who want to take the skills acquired, under the guidance of inflexible.

For us and for those who want to be there, the pleasure of listening to good poetry.

Lindsey Dawn Mckenzie Daily Sport


WEDNESDAY 'December 1 18.00

introduces Laura Ginelli

The meeting is organized by AIF (Italian Association of Trainers).

A text that is spread over some provocative premise: How does the modern commentator? Rather than argue, he is able to move to the surface, applying "the fine art of touch ideas and problems." Oscar Wilde said: "I love talking about nothing: it is the only topic that I know everything." This art belongs to the modern views, and allows him to provide accurate answers even when he does not understand the questions.
Clarity? Forget it! The modern commentator can afford to speak in an incomprehensible way. Often, indeed, not even he understands what he says, can quibble so brilliantly on any topic, even those unknown to him. From here the text irreverent, sometimes cynical, that exposes the tools of the trade "of the aspiring modern commentator.

CLAUDIO FEEDING is a journalist and trainer in management creativity and innovation. He has published extensively on marketing and communications. For more news

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dj Schwede - Yakety Yak Cdm


Saturday, November 27 18.00

presents JOHN GOTTI

Speakers: Stephen
Andrea Santonastaso

John Gotti said in a very comical and surreal story of his grade, in Bologna in the late fifties and sixties, believing that his generation and a few others immediately after they have been really kissed in front of fortune, having been able to live in the moment of historical development and social environment more beautiful and exciting of the last fifty years.

It was dusk and the dawn of the ancient world of the economic boom running water and electricity are still lacking in many places, but furniture formica color gradually taking penicillin instead of the antiquated walnut furniture. Behind a few ruins of war, before Sputnik, blue jeans, the juke box, the dog Laika.
Out Berti Ferdinand Elementary School is the city then, with its old inns and heavy snowfall that real ones are not coming out from the arches ...

John Gotti was born in Bologna, where he studied and graduated in law, out of the practice in the legal and insurance.
Writer, author of the song, television and theater, has worked with leading institutions and with many artists, including Carlo Lucarelli, Giorgio Como, Dodi Battaglia, Daniele Battaglia, Riccardo Fogli, Giorgio Conte, Luisa Corna, Eraldo Turra, Pippo Santonastaso, Andrea Marzi. Autore anche di testi per l'infanzia, da diversi anni sue canzoni vengono selezionate per la partecipazione allo Zecchino d'Oro, ricevendo più volte il massimo riconoscimento dalla giuria critica. Ha pubblicato i volumi "Ho visto in sogno l'ottavo scudetto" (con Marco Tarozzi, Morandotti 2006) e "Il tesoro della Bozambo" (con Carla Catenacci, Zona 2007).

Monday, November 22, 2010

Dried Lavender Wedding Bouquets

Vasily Kandinsky-"Blue"

Vasily Kandinsky, Blue , 1927
oil on canvas, 49.5 x 36.8 cm , MOMA , New York

" Il colore è un mezzo che consente di esercitare un influsso diretto sull'anima.  Il colore è il tasto, l'occhio il martelletto, l'ani ma è il pianoforte dalle molte corde. L’artista è la mano che toccando questo o quel tasto  fa vibrare l’anima ” 
(Da  Vasilij Kandinskij- "The Spiritual in Art" 1912)

"Blue is the color of the sky is deep when it suggests intense stillness, when it tends to black is very dramatic, when it tends to the lighter tones of its qualities are similar to those of the blue, if it is mixed with yellow makes malt, and it's like Yellow became the folly of "hypochondria". It is usually associated with the sound of cello
(Wassily Kandinsky)

" The circle is a link with the cosmic, as modest, but says that with arrogance, precise but variable, unstable and stable, sound and silent at the same time. Today I love the circle as the first I loved the horse and perhaps more, because I find more opportunities in the inner circle. The circle that I use so much in the last period, sometimes can not be called anything but romantic, and romance can be defined very deep, meaningful, and makes you happy, it's a piece of ice that burns a flame "
(Wassily Kandinsky)

"Color and shape can not exist separately in the composition. The combination of form and color is based on the special relationship between individual individual shapes and colors. If a color is associated with its preferred form the effects and emotions arising from the colors and shape are enhanced. The yellow has a special relationship with the triangle, the blue circle and red square. "
(Wassily Kandinsky)

Vasilij Kandinskij (Mosca 1866-  Neuilly-sur-Seine 1944)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Funbrain Poptropica Game Play

Artemisia Gentileschi, "Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting"

Artemisia Gentileschi,  “ Autoritratto come Allegoria della Pittura ”, 1638/39, 
olio su tela, 98.6 x 75.2 cm,  Kensington Palace, Londra

" If something speaks to you tell you're not a painter, well, in this case, old chap: paint! And this voice will be silent. But if you paint only be silent. Who, hearing this voice, ranging from friends to complain, to tell them about his concerns, he loses a bit 'of his strength manly, a bit 'of the best in him. You can be friends only those who fight against these same concerns, those with the example of their activities, enhance the activity in you "

(Vincent Van Gogh)

Artemisia Gentileschi Lomi (Rome, July 8, 1593 - Naples, 1653)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Babies Survive Hypothermia

Marc Chagall-"Above the city," Edgar

Marc Chagall, Above the town, 1914-1918 ,
oil on canvas, 141 х 197 cm, the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

" The art seems to me especially a state of mind.
style is not important. To express it is.
The paint will have a psychological content.
I nipped in the bud all my decorative impulse.
Attenuo il bianco, amalgamo il blu con mille pensieri.
La psiche deve trovare la propria via nei dipinti.
Bisogna lavorare sul quadro pensando che qualcosa
della propria anima entrerà a farne parte e gli darà sostanza.
Un quadro deve fiorire come qualcosa di vivo.
Deve afferrare qualcosa di innafferabile: il fascino
e il profondo significato di quello that is important to us "

(Marc Chagall on Chagall by Chagall , New York, 1979)

"My only is the home of my soul.
I can enter without a passport and I feel at home, it see my sadness and my loneliness, but there are no houses were destroyed during my childhood, their tenants flying hours in the air in search of a home, live in my soul "
(Marc Chagall)

" If I create something using the heart, very easy to work;
but if I use the head will be very difficult "
(Marc Chagall)

" Chagall is a colourist very gifted drifts wherever his imagination led him and pagan mysticism: his art is very sensual "
(the poet Guillaume Apollinaire on Marc Chagall)

Marc Chagall (Vitebsk 1887 - Saint-Paul de Vence 1985)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Aladdin Greenhouse Heaters

still around!

you look!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Samsung Tv Keeps Shutting Off

Degas - Woman who stretches "

Edgar Degas, Woman stretch, 1876-87,
oil on canvas, 81.3 x 66 cm, National Gallery of Art, Washingto n DC

In his painting Degas attaches great importance to ' human element that he "snapshot" in everyday life and moments of intimacy, investigating, with a slow and reworked painting, movement in space, a space that are the bodies themselves to create.
The human body, particularly women, become protagonista nelle sue opere. Abbandonati gli ariosi e vibranti spazi en plen air degli impressionisti Monet e Renoir, il pittore parigino ci riporta negli interni, quelli dei teatri, delle case e dei caffè; le ballerine, le donne nell'atto di detergersi, pettinarsi o specchiarsi, come le stiratrici e le lavandaie, sono infatti i nuovi soggetti della sua pittura. Degas ritrae questi corpi femminili nelle pose più insolite, dalle angolazioni più particolari, nei momenti e movimenti più intimi della loro vita quotidiana, come se li stesse spiando dal "buco di una serratura", regalando così alle atmosfere che dipinge, naturalezza, immediatezza e calore umano.

"Edgar Degas in his portraits he wanted to emphasize the space and the solidity of the forms seen by the most unexpected angles [...] I Degas's paintings do not tell a story. [...] What he was interested in and press play lights on the human form, and the ability to express enthusiasm and space ... "

(Ernst H. Gombrich, Art history told by Ernst H. Gombrich, 1950)

Edgar Degas (Paris 1834-1917)

Monday, November 1, 2010

What Store Can I Buy Fungrx In

I Pagliacci at the Teatro Franco Zappalà

Saturday, October 30th the Teatro Franco Zappalà
opened the new season with an exciting edition of

Ruggero Leoncavallo "I Pagliacci"
The only theater that offers the public a few years Palermo
operettas and only since last season operas, like "The
ELIXIR OF LOVE" and Donizetti's "Die Fledermaus" by J. Strauss Jr.
considered by many musicians and their real
Opera more than a little work, as is generally defined. With
I Pagliacci we can say that the production has proved equal to the task in which
is adept, that is to face seriously
Franco Zappalà well cared for, as always, in fact I dare say, more than usual
, directing, and stage design, with the voices of interpreters
worthy of a great opera house. The play has been very successful.
The cast was formed by Anita Venturi always good for the first time
is adept in a dramatic role, playing NEDDA.

baritone Cosimo Diano has already started in the prologue and
very well deserved warm applause if the music had
allowed a break between the prologue and the beginning of the first act.
content Villari Angelo has created a powerful and expressive CANIO

dominating the scene and tore deservedly, to the public, a long round of applause at the end of the first act.
content Vincenzo Bonomo PEPPE well understood that in comedy, tragedy, which will become
interpret Harlequin sings his serenade to Columbine, the only air dedicated to him.

Bravo Giovanni La Commare SILVIO
who played in the beautiful duet with Anita Venturi.

Oltre al coro diretto dalla brava Carmelina Di Peri, che si confondeva tra i suoi coristi, a reggere magistralmente il tutto è stato Michele De Luca che ha  condotto un'orchestra, di grandi professionisti, purtroppo interrotta dagli  applausi del pubblico che non riusciva ad aspettare lo spegnersi dell'ultima

nota, per esprimere il grande entusiasmo, alla fine degli atti.