Monday, June 28, 2010

Whats The Best Compact Pc?

After "Oberto Conte di San Bonifacio " and the failure of the then misunderstood " Stanislaus Fake" or "Day of the Kingdom" his first opera buffa, which will team after 53 years with Falstaff, the third opera by Giuseppe Verdi was born almost by accident. The booklet written by Themistocles Solera, freely adapted from the play "Nabuchodonosor , " by Auguste Anicet-Bourgeois e Francis Cornu era stato proposto al musicista prussiano Otto Nicolai che rifiutò quella trama, perché, per lui, contornata da scenari e sentimenti troppo cruenti.
Verdi aveva stipulato un contratto col Teatro alla Scala che lo vincolava a presentare tre opere di cui una buffa, ma dopo l’insuccesso di questa “Un Giorno di Regno” attraversò un periodo triste e difficile, per la morte dei figli e della moglie Margherita Barezzi, e pensò seriamente di abbandonare la composizione. Una sera l’impresario della Scala, Bartolomeo Merelli, diede forzatamente a Verdi, fiducioso nelle qualità del giovane musician, the book rejected by Nicolay. Back home, the musician, let go of those cards on the table, but "without knowing how," - says the artist almost forty years later, in his autobiography, "My eyes fix on the page that was me before, and This looks to me: 'Go, thought, on wings of gold. " This phrase caught the attention of Verdi also aroused the curiosity inspired him waking up, the frustrated artistic sense. So Nabucco, begins with the musical "Va Pensiero" is also the song that will make him famous especially for those unfamiliar with the whole Work. I said Nabucco? In fact the work Nebuchadnezzar comes under the title , but difficulties printing the name is not entered in full on the same line so the poster of
name of fourteen letters was divided mathematically into two rows, the first seven of the top, the other below the first seven
The people who pay attention only to the first line, read it and remembered: Nabucco and the evening of March 9, 1842 audiences went to the La Scala Opera House to attend the first representation of Nabucco, is so called because the King work Verdiana. Possibly because of metrics, and the success that had, by that name, as many as 64 replicas despite the scores of musicians today still carry the title as Nebuchadnezzar, the work remained Nabucco, forever.
of Verdi's third opera è senza dubbio un capolavoro musicale, anche se sulla trama e sul libretto un attento spettatore avrebbe qualcosa da osservare. Il racconto, infatti, oltre a rispecchiare ben poco gli eventi sia biblici sia storici, L’opera è ambientata nel 597, \587 a.C.n. quando Gerusalemme, come profetizzato dal profeta Geremia, è invasa dal re di Babilonia Nabuccodonosor II e il popolo deportato in Babilonia. I personaggi e tra questi due fantomatiche figlie del re, e la storia in cui sono coinvolte pare siano frutto della fantasia di Auguste Anicet-Bourgeois e Francis Cornu , il sentimento per Ismaele, ipotetico nipote del re d’Isdraele Sedacia che contrappone le due sorelle, pare invece, per i conoscitori del dramma di Bourgeois e Cornu, sia solo un aggiunta di Temistocle Solera, non avendo riscontro nel dramma francese. Però Mattania al quale il re assiro cambiò il nome in Sedacia o   Sedechia affidandogli il regno , d’Isdraele come suo vassallo,   un nipote 

l’aveva e questi era   Ioakin,   detto anche Ieconia, eighteen
King Isdraele recently succeeded in deceased father Ioak im, right
in time to be done p rigioniero and deported to Babylon, I n he We can identify Ishmael.

In priest Zaccaria can be
identified invece, con il profeta  Ezechiele, deportato anch’esso in Babilonia e posto nell’opera come guida spirituale del popolo esiliato come di fatto era.   La parola del Signore rimane, così, presente tra il Suo popolo per consolarlo e proteggerlo, e anche se celata la realtà biblica e storica, si può considerare non falsata, nell’opera che presenta il giovane re Ioakin come Ismaele e il profeta Ezechiele nelle vesti del sacerdote Zaccaria.
Una imprecisione storica, presente nel libretto è la confusione tra le due deportazioni assire contro Isdraele. Il tempio di Gerusalemme fu in realtà distrutto quando Sedacia ribellatosi a Nabuccodonosor fu sconfitto nel 587 a.C.n. 11 years after the first deportation of Jews among them Ioakin, which, as can be seen from the work, as Ezekiel was treated as a guest which a prisoner even if it is written in the Book of Kings, which is graced by Amil Marduk son of Nebuchadnezzar II, after the death of this. The reference work is evident in the second deportation in Act II when the king is believed to be dead in the war against Isdraele. Approaching the work we, too, take a comparison between the people of that time Isdraele and Christians today. If in 1842 and following the desire for freedom made him look, in Italian theaters, Jews deported to Babylon as the Italians oppressed by the stranger, the feeling that rise is still much deeper. The man, in fact, it's just a slave to himself and the presence of a spiritual guide and abandonment to God, rather than a brave leader, is much more effective. That's why there is no mention to the real historical events, Hope in God who strengthens the priest with his prophecies and consolations "On my lips speak the Lord" and the words in prayer are asking mantener every man who feels in difficulty as a slave, the living presence of God. Now, however, hear the symphony and we await the opening of the curtain. On the first act.

The curtain, excluding the possibility of fanciful and absurd scenes modern royal , opens to show, well designed, the interior of the temple of Jerusalem. We're in the acn 586 . and strong is the apprehension of people who pray for the salvation of Israel threatened by the troops of the king of Assyria at the gates of the City.
Si stà realizzando la profezia del profeta Geremia, scritto nel libretto, come titolo del primo atto:
Così ha detto il Signore: ecco, io
do questa città in mano del re di
Babilonia, egli l'arderà col fuoco.
Gerem. XXXII.
Cei edition of the twentieth century:
says the Lord: "Behold, I will put this city into the hands of the king of Babylon, and he will" Jer 32, 3
Zechariah, the high priest, placed by Verdi and Solera, not only as a spiritual leader but also as a strategist, enters the stage holding hands Fenena the daughter of the king of Babylon with them is Anna, sister of Zaccaria. These have Fenena invites the people to hope for "God of his day to 'sign' being made, no one knows how, in his hands the young "To the enemy king offspring," which calls for everyone not to worry and to trust in God begins his cavatina "there on the shores of Egypt" superficially recalling two historical biblical events and ending "Who in the extreme event Trusting in Him perished? "Unfortunately, one of the Solera's libretto is the question not clearly shown, even under the best execution and understanding of the piece, without the help of the book is somewhat cryptic and ambiguous, and being reported to God the particular is not be underestimated.

brake to fear! v'affidi of God's eternal aid;
there on the shores of Egypt He die to Moses' life
Gideon hundred undefeated and made it a day ...  

Chi nell'estremo evento Fidando in Lui perì?

A tal punto Ismaeleirrompe, trafelato,  in scena  con alcuni guerrieri ebrei annunciando che il re d’Assiria si avanza, ma Zaccaria confidando in Dio e nel suo piano Strategic consoles the people, and before leaving the scene relies Fenena to Ishmael, and enthusiastic singing his cabaletta "As a single night shining"
As night sun shining, prey such as dust in the wind,
disappear into the great ordeal of God Belo deceitful.
Thou mighty God of Abraham at odds with us descend,
It 'a breath of thy servants turn giving death to the foreigner.
In these verses we can see, almost in the first part, a formula of Belo exorcistic against God, Marduk, the god of Babylon where Nebuchadnezzar was particularly devoted, or the idols that Today we identify the vices and temptations. "Disappear into the great ordeal of God Belo deceitful" Get behind me Satan is equivalent to that related to the final, which calls on God to come down to do battle with his people, for us Christians is a real invocation of the Spirit, apart from the God does not want the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live. Reflecting on historical events such as the Austrian censorship wonder of those years so much attention to the later works of Verdi has left to run, except to ban it in the following representations, the last phrase shouted with joy as possible from below, "What gives death to the invader" perhaps more felt at the time, in the minds of Italians, and most dangerous of the famous "Va pensiero". After the applause due Zechariah leaves the stage followed by all to give way to Ishmael to be alone in courting Fenena and narrate the background of the work. It turns out that Ishmael, having gone as ambassador to Babylon of Judah, was done out of duty of hospitality, a prisoner, but released from their Fenena invaghitasi him. Here Ishmael mentions Fenena's sister, Abigail, also fell in love with him as the one calling: "What am furious love of persecuting". If you wish, now, Ishmael proposes to return the favor Fenena after convincing her to escape the compliments of the "royal daughter," that does not mean that his dear face the figure of the traitor. While the two are about to escape, meet, by chance, really, Abigail arrived with his soldiers disguised as harmless Jews to occupy the Temple. Furious at seeing his beloved sister and together immediately launches the first attack of his personal war, per lei più importante di quella del padre. Promette ai due un bel regalo di nozze: “ talamo la tomba a voi sarà” e la sua, molto personale benedizione, “Di mia vendetta il fulmine su voi sospeso è già!” Poi ritrovata la calma si avvicina ad Ismaele e manifestandogli il suo amore gli fa una proposta molto esplicita che è l’ultima mossa per vincere la sua guerra: “Ah se m'ami, ti potrei Col tuo popolo salvar! “. Il prode, coraggioso e fedele guerriero non può cedere a questo ricatto e risponde con la bella melodia verdiana: “No!... la vita io t'abbandono,.” Fenena aggiunge la sua voce, a completare il terzetto, manifestando non solo la sua conversione, al Dio of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and mainly its Ishmael, but the donation of his life for the beloved expressed with a prayer that precedes its conversion

"Yeah I cry, I feel you already Israello of true God;
Not for me in the fiery ordeal I agitated my prayer ,
Sol protect my brother, And damn me to tears! "
Assyrian troops are already at the gates of the city and the people of Isdraello, (you do not understand this mispronunciation of the name Isdraele, repeated several times in the work and not conditioned by the metrical music) takes refuge in the temple where a prisoner is found between the troops of the king who comes in, bold on horseback, in the temple, and his soldiers already penetrated with Abigail, in "Minds garments," and it is she who greets the entrance of the king of Babylon, shouting "Viva Nabucco Zaccaria, to stop the invader, Sports implement its strategic plan, threatening to ruin her daughter if profane the Temple of God the room. " Nabucco imposing refers to pretend its fury when it will explode stronger. Thus begins her cavatina "Tremin the insane fury of my" leading up to the beautiful concert where everyone expresses his feelings and his hopes Fenena While he asks his father pity for the unfortunate "And save your daughter will be" In Abigaille revives the hope of realizing his dream of love With the elimination of 'the one, well aware that my only "While Ishmael, Anna Zaccaria and Jews praying to God" china eyes on 'your children, who already s'apprestan Rie chains. Returning to the scene of the lord king urges Jews to worship him "O won the head to the ground I am the winner" _ and this minimizes the power of God because, having challenged the war, did not intervene to defend the people "theme of me. " The king unknown, of course, the prophecy of Jeremiah, cited on the drawings and the timing of God at this point is about Zechariah, with the last minaccia a trafiggere Fenena, ma la mano d’Ismaele lo frena con una dichiarazione palese d’amore per la sua diletta “Misera,l'amor ti salverà!“ permettendo alla regal figlia di correre da papà che non più frenato dal ricatto libera la sua ira “Mio furor, non più costretto,“ canta nella cabaletta, a tempo di marcia, che coinvolge gli altri interpreti in un altro concertato, dove Abigaille, delusa dell’ azione di Ismaele più che lo scampato pericolo della sorella, maledicendo il popolo nemico cambia, come spesso accade in letteratura e nella vita, i suoi sentimenti d’amore in odio: “Se del cor nol può l'affetto, pago l'odio almen sarà! "Zachary and the Jews condemn the action of Ishmael cursing" Oh fled the bloody, earth and sky will cry! "Ishmael in person and Anna and Fenena against these seek to exonerate the outcast, which had become guilty of love, concluding:" Ah, the curse is not unhappy, for pity's sake. "The march is part of the concert is the highlight ' atrocious act of war under the orders of Nabucco, "looted, burn the temple, the FIA \u200b\u200bcrime mercy!" flashes and the orchestra would give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe battle and the launch of the fiery darts of the invaders, but everything becomes final, almost looks like a joyful galop instead of an operetta that lead to the classic bridge is muted by the orchestra that accompanies the final stages of closing the curtain on the act. Greens here a lesson on how to exorcise Otto Nicolai, musically, the fear of bloodshed and massacres, as will be seen later in life.

witnessing the final of the first act of a now historic 1991 edition.
all 'Arena di Verona Ghena Dimitrova - Piero Cappuccilli
with la direzione di Daniel Oren 

Nabucco 2--

Is Coby Portable Dvd Good?

Nabucco Nabucco Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Atto II  

accompagnato anch’esso da un’altra profezia del profeta Geremia 
Here! ... Lord of the turbo is out Out, will fall upon the head of the wicked. Jeremiah. XXX

Behold, the Lord of the storm, its fury is unleashed, a storm sweeping, hits the head of the wicked. Jer 30, 23

L ' Nabucco wicked will fall like lightning on which the divine punishment, but proceed in order and assist when the curtain rises on Act II. A brief introduction, in which emerging notes expressing inner torment of the protagonist, introduces us into the rooms of Abigaille. This holds a sheet in his recitative and "Have I t'invenni or fatal wrote !..." explains that the document referred to is in possession attesting to its true origin: not the daughter of Nabucco, but slaves. For this reason, the King came to fight against the people 's Isdraele ( and here refers to the rebellion of his vassal Sedacia), left as regent Fenena the child rather than her more and valiant warrior. Here in Abigail we might call the true protagonist of the work, reveals his disappointment, jealousy, anguish, all her pain that turn into hatred Fenena hindering his love, "the fake father," even if against itself. It is his personal drama, his desire for redemption, the battle is ready to fight at the cost of his own life, which does not take any more. The delicate sound of the flute introduces fresh air "I opened up a day that reveals a hidden, frustrated and in pain the goodness of cruel In the scene that follows the warrior, made his entrance on stage, followed by the dignitaries of the kingdom, the High Priest of Belo upset and disgusted, the conduct of the regent Fenena begins: "Horrible scene hath been shown agl'occhi my! "Abigail asked curiously," Oh! that all about?. "And finally a concise rhyme, The High Priest says," Sinner is Fenena, send free the Jews .. "and not knowing how to stop this" damned mob "(the Jews of course) offers the power and demand for Abigail" as ? along with dignitaries, remained silent too, responds with a cabaletta very happy, that is a rumor that the king died in this war on behalf of the people is her calling to be the queen. It's OK: the king Long live the King died, but here it seems a bit 'too much not to have a minimum of condolence for the deceased king, however, the music of Verdi is able to fulfill also the librettist. Abigail, do not expect more, are offered on a silver platter the revenge he craved on Fenena, taking the power that will also redeem its origins as a slave. Court said, the High Priest and the Department of the Kingdom, who will join her in the cabaletta that follows, to accept his will and not to be less strong for him. "Salgo already gilded throne of bloody stool," melody is a lively, funny and cruel while, if we reflect on just bloody stool, if there is another reason why Nicolai refused to music for the opera. But the musician Busseto converts all fear to the joy of aiming for the win, just that reigned negl'animi the Italians, who at the time of the Renaissance, in contrast to the Prussian musician, not afraid of blood.
too, one day I had opened my heart to joy;
all around I heard talk of holy love;
piangeva all'altrui pianto, soffria degli altri al duol;
ah! chi del perduto incanto mi torna un giorno sol?  
Noi già sparso abbiamo fama come il re cadesse in guerra...
te regina il popol chiama a salvar l'assiria terra. 
Solo un passo...è tua la sorte! Abbi cor!...     
 Salgo già del trono aurato lo sgabello insanguinato;  
ben saprà la mia vendetta da quel seggio fulminar.    
Che lo scettro a me s'aspetta tutti i popoli vedranno,  
ah! regie figlie qui verranno l'umil schiava a supplicar.     
Qui si impone una pausa per il doveroso cambio di scena.  
Quando il direttore riprenderà con le prime battute, Il fremito del violino e del violoncello introduce in un ambiente quasi da brivido, che vuol’essere tra il mistico e il misterioso e sottolineano, al tempo stesso, un atteggiamento quasi furtivo che Zaccaria entrando in scena esprime nel suo recitativo incitando un Levita a seguirlo col “Santo Codice” poiché DIO lo ha informato di volerlo ministro di un “ novel portento”, quindi inizia la sua aria che possiamo definire una preghiera, “Tu sul labbro de' veggenti” dal significato apparentemente misterioso che ad alcuni può dar l’impressione that Zechariah almost raving or dreams.

"You on the lip of 'seers Fulminasti, or supreme God!
Assyria in strong accents or speak with you my lips!
and songs you play sacrament each temple;
idols broken over thy law will arise. "  
Nella Scena che segue Ismaele comunica ai leviti che sono “bramati” dal pontefice, ma viene aggredito da insulti e maledizioni per aver salvato Fenena dal pugnale di Zaccaria, a sottrarlo all’incalzante tormentone ” Maledetto dal Signor” è Anna, sorella di Zaccaria, in uno dei suoi pochissimi interventi, invitando i fratelli a perdonare perché “Un'ebrea salvata egli ha “ Per convincere i Leviti interviene Zaccaria a confermare i detti della sorella “Inni levate all'Eterno!...È verità! “ Ecco spigato il mistero della scena precedente era proprio da Fenena che Zaccaria si recava per accoglierla nella family of Isdraele. At this point, no time to prepare refreshments or make a toast to celebrate the conversion of the girl who heard suspicious noises, what next? Log in breathless Abdallo Old and faithful officer in Nabucco Fenena announcing the death of his king's intimate, with affection, to flee because "The people now called Abigail, and condemns them." the reaction of the princess is to run between the rebels, all the brake, but it is the rebels to precede the intimate and Abigail to cede the crown, Fenena opposes. To avoid complications, Solera comes between the two Nabucco, resurrected from the dead, that placing him on the head, the crown entrusted pro tempore to his daughter, Abigail challenge "from my head to take it!" The atmosphere is certainly not the most appropriate to welcome the king escaped death, and all were terrified They come looking at the tragic moment everyone on your point of view from start to sing Nabucco, the same air "S'appressan instants" that will lead to another wonderful concert.
S'appressan the moments of anger fatal falls on the already silent countenance terror!
lightning around the hatch already the ale! ... preparing a day of mourning and desolate!
The concert will immediately reveals a prophecy that seems to be directed against all, everyone fears that moment, the king despite his fury. Nabucco no longer recognizes the god of the Babylonians who made them traitors to detract from its power and turning to the Jewish state, once again, beaten by their God himself "fell on your own, or foolish Jews, fighting against me." E concludes scandalizing Babylonians and Jews, including his daughter talking to all
"Hear my words .. There is only one god .. your king! "
Pretending to be worshiped as such. At which point Zaccaria preliminary sternly prophetic words "Insane! on the ground, falling to the ground your pride ... God PEL crazy hair seize you, you already steals the throne ... " The king ordered that he be taken to death with his people. At these words Fenena communicate broadly to father his conversion: "Jews will die with them. "Nabucco is not accepting the report insists saying the fateful words:" Get down! pay homage! ... I am no longer king, I am God! "Here's to the point, Zechariah's prophecy comes true immediately! A lightning strikes near the King landing, twisting and weakening the mind and the crown falls from his head. In the silence that follows in a choral pianissimo, all express the same thought: "Oh the sky as the bold avenger lightning!" anticipates Verdi Nabucco lost at the edge of madness, the ghostly vision of Banquo in Macbeth's future. Both feel the pull hair and are weakened by a supernatural force. While the main character Macbeth is supported by a demonic Lady behind it to bring it where you want. Nabucco is abandoned by everyone (after all, only better than badly accompanied) remains so only by his madness that expresses, in romance, "Who takes my royal scepter? "During which he discovers, to his surprise, a tear on his brow and finally falls unconscious. Zacccaria interprets the incident, severely as the manifestation of divine wrath of his prophecy: "Heaven has punished the boaster!" While Abigail, in the interests of the people of Belo, but mainly his collection from the ground puts the crown on his head, officially taking power.
Who takes my royal scepter? ... What m'incalza horrible ghost? ...
About PEL crine, ohimè, m'afferra?... chi mi stringe?... chi m'atterra? 
chi? chi?... Oh! mia figlia!... e tu pur anco non soccorri al debil fianco?... 
Ah fantasmi ho sol presenti... hanno acciar di fiamme ardenti! 
E di sangue il ciel vermiglio sul mio capo si versò! 
Ah! perché, perché sul ciglio una lagrima spuntò? 
Chi mi regge?... io manco!...  

or third parties this time provides the prophecy of Jeremiah -
The fairs of the desert to Babylon have their room together with the owls, hoopoe and dwell there. Jeremiah LI
" Babylon will become a heap of ruins, a haunt of jackals, an astonishment and scorn, without inhabitants" Jer 51, 37

L 'act should be set in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (about which will end today? "), near where ARA stands the golden statue of Belo Abigaille with his subjects that the hail by comparing it with Bel, invincible in war" is a queen of Assyria, ie Bel powerful on earth; port everywhere ruin if the stranger calls the war "The High Priest of Belo, with his personal comments, forward the request for death to all Jews and above all for his sister who dare not even mention because "It Belo betrayed ..." and gives the sentence Abigaille. The new Queen seems to pretend hypocritically do not understand, but so advised by a motif similar to steps creeping onto the scene here is supported by the Nabucco Abdallo trust that the order of Abigail back in her room trying to obey but is held back by Nabucco that feeling supported by the soldier whispers in his loss, "because my staff? Are weak, it is true, but woe if anyone knows !..." alone approaches the throne and unbeatable Abigail says in "Who is she?" This dismisses all preferring to be left alone with Nabucco and hidden malice, shall be the king in his place as guardian of his seat, with the indignation of Nabucco communicate the decision of the high priest of executing Jews and then to sign the sentence, Nabucco and Abigaille hesitate to tip his pride inviting Jews to rejoice because "Taken by vile dismay, Nabucco is no longer! "The king signs the document reacting impulsively to that phrase:" Lies! A death, Israel has killed all at once! "Abigail rejoices for having fulfilled its purpose, its revenge.
It's too late when you think Nabucco's daughter Fenena, and when it is proposed as Abigail's other daughter gl 'intimate worship as a slave and look for the document that attests to this point, the woman showed him the document removed before it destroys the his eyes. It is futile humiliation of the king who kneels to beg forgiveness to save his daughter.
change the scene, and here we are on the banks of the Euphrates River. Here Jews forced into chains
to work sing The "Va pensiero" chorus that is defined by a certain prayer, but in fact, is a cry, the memories and regrets of their land as it is masterfully explained by maestro Daniel Oren that demonstrates how hard it is to run for more vocal and orchestral difficulties.
The "Va pensiero" conducted by Daniel Oren
ternine the performance of the choir Zaccaria enters blaming the Jews their cries and calls on them to hope and communicates with the prophecy received its air that will end with a choral cabaletta, where he provides for freedom of the Jews and the destruction of Babylon, with joyful hope this ends the third act.
Nabucco Part 3 - 1

Chime 2000 Windstar Where Is


or Part Four
The Broken Idol Bel is confused his idols are broken in pieces. Jeremiah XLVIII "Bel is covered with confusion, Marduch is broken, his idols are confused" Jer 50.2
I n a squalid room Nabucco's palace sits on a secluded bench, immersed in deep sleep, as waking from a nightmare "and it was ... terrible dream!" heard applause outside continues to rave sentendosi in guerra cerca una spada e un cavallo per espugnare “Sionne, la superba cittade,”. Sentendo gridare il nome della figlia immagina che questa guidi “le file guerriere!“, ma presto , affacciandosi alla finestra si rende conto che questa ha le mani in catene e sentendo le voci “Fenena a morte!” Nabucco prende un'altra espressione, guarito come per miracolo dalla sua follia si precipita verso la porta e trovatola chiusa si rende conto d’esser prigioniero E tornato a guardare la processione dei condannati dalla finestra esclama, improvvisamente “Dio degli Ebrei, perdono! “ ed inginocchiandosi canta la preghiera “Dio di Giuda!... “ al quale consacra “l'ara, the temple "chido to be free from" so much trouble and my rites Strugger. " getting it to open the door violently. ...

Renato Bruson singing "God of Judah"
of God Jews, forgive me! (kneels)
God of Judah ... the altar, the temple sacred to you, there will be ...
Ah me so much trouble to remove Strugger and my rites.
You listen to me! ... Already ungodly lit is the flagging spirits!
Dio verace, onnipossente, adorarti ognor saprò.  
(Si alza e va ad aprire con violenza la porta) Porta fatal, oh t'aprirai!.. .
Abdallo, entrando in scena con i guerrieri fedeli al re e apprendendo da questo che “La mente or più non è smarrita... “ gli cede la spada richiestagli da Nabucco per compiere la sua missione: “Salvar Fenena io voglio. “ e tutti insieme intonano, non avendo altro da fare, la cabaletta "O prodi miei follow me "we can define a typical anthem of the Risorgimento.
" Cadran, the evil will fall like locusts on the ground!
For you shall see shine over Assyria the sun!
NABUCCO: O my brave, follow me, opens the mind on the day;
flame burn unusual king of Assyria I'll be back!
this sword of lightning to the wicked shall fall to the ground
shall see all shine My crown of the sun. "
In the scene that follows the hanging gardens, at the altar of God, the priest of Belus and the whole court convicts awaiting execution for Zaccaria encourages Fenena to face martyrdom because "too long was the exile" heaven is your home! ... hurry! the long "exile" of the girl leaves us a little perplexed, this could apply to an old man like him. Fenena, singing the air at this point added to her own without a strictly personal part "Oh you opened the skies! " Here che, proprio all’ultimo momento....Arrivano i nostri. Nabucco con la spada sguainata ordina ai suoi d’abbattere l’idolo pagano, ma questo cade distrutto da solo o da una forza sopranaturale. A questo punto Nabucco libera gli ebrei ed esaltata il loro Dio, prima disprezzato, invitando tutti ad inginocchiarsi a pregare l’ìmmenso Jehovah. Una musica lamentevole sottolinea l’ingresso di Abigaille morente, avendo questa bevuto un veleno quasi per autopunirsi, e pentita chiede perdono a Fenena e Ismaele raccomando il loro amore a Nabucco, si affida così alla misericordia di Dio “Te chiamo... te Dio... te venero... not curse at me .. " so converted m uore lying down on the ground and all indicated that: " fell! "
Final Scene (Viva Nabucco!) run only audio
Tito Gobbi (Nabucco) and ELENA Souliotis (Abigail)

Carry only the air Abigaille
on me ... dying ... lifeless ... disc ... your pardon!
Fenena! I was guilty ... Punished ... or are well!
(for Ishmael) Come ... (Nabucco) Let these love each other ... fidan lor speme in te!...  
  Or... chi mi toglie al ferreo pondo del mio delitto!  
  (agli Ebrei) Ah! tu dicesti, o popolo: "Solleva Iddio l'afflitto".  
  Te chiamo... te Dio... te venero... non maledire a me...
A Zaccaria spetta l’ultima parola rivolto a Nabucco, almost as intimate warning: "serve to Jehovah, de you 're the kings!. .." In that regard, nothing would affect on the yield of the final call God "which he communicated to Moses, Yahweh = One who is.
Even if the final does not reflect historical reality as "Israello," torn was " the joys of our native land! " only with the advent of Cyrus the Great, also drops the curtain.