Saturday, October 10, 2009

Drug Called Risperidone

I continue to accompany the release of the book here on the blog by putting other material showing a little bit of my way to work.

Today I want to tell of how the step from idea to finished board. At least the way I used in this book, because I'm not one who takes a liking to the methods, a bit 'because I always put them into question and a bit' cause I like too idearne new ones.

Take for example the plates 28 and 29
For each chapter, I spent a few days to write your notes in the form of dialogues on various pieces paper (sometimes even a notebook). After a few days to settle what has been written yet, I got a moleskine "light" (those bound with staples) and I started to put those pieces of dialogue in cartoons and collecting the cartoons on the boards.
In a very simple, dare I say rough.

What came out is not even a script and a storyboard. As you see, sometimes I have sketched the forms of characters but were not absolutely indicated for the shots, I did just to buy time if I was just the next line of dialogue. At this stage, only heard the voices, (as Bernadette!) I did not need to see action. I still do not understand why if I already clear all or because I had not the faintest idea (however inclined to the latter, as will the effort made in the tables below).
NOTE: This method has been repeated throughout the book is identical with the only change that at some point I found it more fun to do this pattern by writing to the computer with a toy that little program called "Comic Life".

At this point I began to sweat on the tables. A pencil first as a storyboard in size, with the mine cyan, and then directly above it, a pencil sharper with a mine 2b.

At this stage I did not put balloon cho tried to keep in mind the size of the text and drew freely.

Once done with 2B pencil, I wrote some notes in the margins, on questions of composition, or me "fuck" on some mistakes to remind me to make corrections.

then scan the tables, correcting the flaws more apparent, the cyan filter remove, and I added balloon lettering with photoshop and put a second color on the fly, with a graphics tablet to see if the atmosphere of the table was the one intended.

If all I met when I was a full chapter, the tables were leaving at a time via email to Nathalie (my talented translator, a must!) And then the publisher. If not, start again.

Once approved the boards came on the field on a light table. Print draft and polished everything with a mine on a HB fabriano f4.

Coming so my final version to be colored (if not all smear, the graphite does not forgive!).

Now, new scanning the final, minimum levels adjustment (because I liked the effect remained evident pencil), then, lettering final (of course I put here that you will find the Italian edition Rizzoli Lizard), staining simple ... in short, a few hours of photoshop

et voila here is the completed tables.

I repeated the game for about ninety tables and the book was done! Easy!


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