Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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Ancient Theatre of Palermo

Theatres in Palermo with little news.
Theatre Sant'Anna, born in 1852 in a garage of the building Valguarnera, near St. Anne's Church which was named, was short-lived
theater Oreto, opened in early July 1851, in ca until the Prince of Cutò site in front of the Villa Giulia.
Teatro Circo , in the garden of the convent of the Dominican Fathers in via Bambinai, entirely of wood. It was theater of the people is called for popular shows che i prezzi assai modici, chiuse nel 1886.
L’anfiteatro Mangano nel giardino del palazzzo Villarosa. Struttura in legno inaugurato il 19 Gennaio 1890 con una rappresentazione circense, ma vi venivano rappresentate anche opere liriche. Chiuse nel 1897.
Il teatro San Ferdinando , di cui oggi esiste solo una squallida facciata ed un portone circondato da una scritta recante il nome:   Real Teatro Umberto I, poiché dopo l'untà d'Italia fù dedicato al secondo Re d'Italia, possibilmente in ossasione  delle sue presenze a Palermo per l'inagurazione del Teatro Politeama e Il Teatro MASSIMO .


Teatro San Ferdinando Umberto I and was built in 1800 by Antonio Carini, and opened in 1816. from the writings of Gaspare Palermo drew from the March-Iron (historical Palermo), states that there were four tiers of boxes and in the keystone of the stage, there was, "for the convenience of viewers," a clock . The shallowness and haste of Palermo, it seems eternal, it was facilitated by giving them the opportunity to leave the show when their needs, even more futile, so require or justify. We do not hear, but it 's entrance is at number 8 of Via Merlo, writes, Louis Maniscalco Basile in his "History of the Theatre Massimo Di Palermo"

among the ancient theaters

           Real Teatro Santa Cecilia

                                                              Teatro Garibaldi



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