Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Best Of Kate Playground
Carolina Theatre Royal
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to build a new, larger theater, equal to those he visited, in Europe and thought to build out the door Maqueda, coincidentally where today stands the Teatro Massimo. The Marquis of Villamaina Domenico Caracciolo, died in Naples in 1789 after the outbreak of the French Revolution, which for some seems to have been the indirect cause of death.
In tale anno con l’invasione di Napoli da parte di Giuseppe Napoleone prima e in seguito
Maria Carolina of Habsburg-Lorraine
A modesto parere di chi scrive, avrebbe dovuto portare il nome di un altro grande musicista, che a differenza del conterraneo, fu per circa un anno maestro di cappella, direttore della musica e compositore delle opere: Gaetano Donizetti, che per il Carolino compose “Alahor in Granata-“ rappresentata il sette. Gennaio 1826, il cui libretto è firmato solo M.A. per questo motivo alcuni lo attribuiscono al musicista palermitano Andrea Monteleone, con il quale Donizetti ebbe in seguito rapporti epistolari, essendo stato il suo successore, ma ufficialmente l’autore può definirsi sconosciuto. Pare che per il teatro palermitano il musicista bergamasco abbia scritto anche una farsa: “Il castello degli invalidi, ” un titolo citato da tutti i biografi, per la caratteristica misteriosa che
BLONDE branch of theater, even if the Teatro Massimo has used that space for small works, but the entrance is through the side door.
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Monday, September 1, 2008
How To Get Gpsphone Pokemon Cheats
Cin We There
A Palermo after the staging at the Teatro del Parco di Villa Castelnuovo 12 September 2008, 15 to 25 May 2009, the theater was represented Zappalà
Cin Ci Là-
Cin Ci Là
Operetta composta da Carlo Lombardo e Virgilio Ranzato
prima rappresentazione: Milano, 18 dicembre 1925.
E' ambientata in Cina ai giorni nostri, cioè loro, dei due autori, proprio negli anni in cui viene scritta. Una Cina avvolta da una nuvola rosa, di fiaba e poesia. La trama, è il complesso, difficile, sempre intricato argomento, croce e delizia, ma sempre difficile da raggiungere: l’amore! Che, come in ogni operetta che si rispetti, viene ulteriormente amplificato e condito di esagerazioni e lazzi vari.
Nel porto di Macao è arrivato un bastimento, un bastimento carico di A …A.... A.. Attori. Tra questi attori troveremo la protagonista della fiaba e, anche, del film che son venuti a girare, proprio lì: Cin Ci Là. Attrice cinematografica francese, nota per la disinvoltura nel cambiare mariti e specialmente amanti,con una facilità, allora non molto diffusa. Di Cin Ci Là, qua, a Macao ne facciamo la knowledge in a very difficult time for an 'actress. Why? - Why has learned that the film can not be run because we are right in Macao CIUN-KI-SIN.!
-CIUN-KI-why? -According to the classical tradition of respecting each fairy tale there is always someone or something that disturbs the normal course of action and this time it is a local custom, in effect, become law. - After the marriage of a royal couple are all fun and suspended all work until everything will be done and what will be announced by the chimes, keeper of the royal pagoda or gazebo, to declare that all the subjects that the couple will be exchanged, (say), the first kiss. We can define the relative noble bells eponymous country, already explored by the two musicians in 1923. We, therefore, knowledge of newlyweds Prince cyclamen, delicate as the flower, whose name it bears, and more of a white lily and Princess Myosotis, more delicate flower. Myosotis, in fact, it is also the gender of the family Boraginaceae, including many species of herbs including the "do not forget me." This delicate flower, it does not seem very conscious of being a princess ready for the wedding, in fact, is very upset at leaving her doll. Are compared in the same operetta, he a donkey, for his insight, and she a goose, perhaps for the same reason. With a pair like that ever since last CIUN-KI-SIN? Myosotis is also the daughter of Mandarin, Prince FON KY. FON KI? .. Who was he? Let's just say one of the excellent EX Cin there there than in Paris called him Papi, given the age difference, and that has also maintained very generously, and he said he had been introduced to her the mysteries of ... Western ways. In Macao Cin There BLUM There he met his husband or ex, but in those days divorce was not fashionable, so in desperation he took refuge in Macao where, just to survive, as adviser to the Mandarin, it was believed a eunuch, and thanks in this particular could do to tutor the Princess and the results are not quite satisfactory. But there comes also Petit-Gris eternal love, without hope, the beautiful Cin There There,
che l’ha seguita fin lì o vi si è trovavato per caso, cosa molto, ma molto improbabile. I due sono gli animatori dell’operetta e danno un colore che sarebbe troppo pallido se affidato, solo, ai due inesperti sposini che si raccontano la favola delle tortore.
Per prima cosa, solo per dimostrare la loro reciproca attrazione, i due si sfidano ad uno spietato incontro di Box e Cin Ci Là mette al tappeto Petit-Gris, con un... Bacio.
Sapendo della presenza della sua vecchia amica e presa coscienza delle gravi inesperienze dei due sposini FON KY cerca di correre ai ripari affidando il principino the indisputable expert lessons CIN CI LA '.
Cin Ci Là-
Cin Ci Là
Operetta composta da Carlo Lombardo e Virgilio Ranzato
prima rappresentazione: Milano, 18 dicembre 1925.
E' ambientata in Cina ai giorni nostri, cioè loro, dei due autori, proprio negli anni in cui viene scritta. Una Cina avvolta da una nuvola rosa, di fiaba e poesia. La trama, è il complesso, difficile, sempre intricato argomento, croce e delizia, ma sempre difficile da raggiungere: l’amore! Che, come in ogni operetta che si rispetti, viene ulteriormente amplificato e condito di esagerazioni e lazzi vari.
Nel porto di Macao è arrivato un bastimento, un bastimento carico di A …A.... A.. Attori. Tra questi attori troveremo la protagonista della fiaba e, anche, del film che son venuti a girare, proprio lì: Cin Ci Là. Attrice cinematografica francese, nota per la disinvoltura nel cambiare mariti e specialmente amanti,con una facilità, allora non molto diffusa. Di Cin Ci Là, qua, a Macao ne facciamo la knowledge in a very difficult time for an 'actress. Why? - Why has learned that the film can not be run because we are right in Macao CIUN-KI-SIN.!
-CIUN-KI-why? -According to the classical tradition of respecting each fairy tale there is always someone or something that disturbs the normal course of action and this time it is a local custom, in effect, become law. - After the marriage of a royal couple are all fun and suspended all work until everything will be done and what will be announced by the chimes, keeper of the royal pagoda or gazebo, to declare that all the subjects that the couple will be exchanged, (say), the first kiss. We can define the relative noble bells eponymous country, already explored by the two musicians in 1923. We, therefore, knowledge of newlyweds Prince cyclamen, delicate as the flower, whose name it bears, and more of a white lily and Princess Myosotis, more delicate flower. Myosotis, in fact, it is also the gender of the family Boraginaceae, including many species of herbs including the "do not forget me." This delicate flower, it does not seem very conscious of being a princess ready for the wedding, in fact, is very upset at leaving her doll. Are compared in the same operetta, he a donkey, for his insight, and she a goose, perhaps for the same reason. With a pair like that ever since last CIUN-KI-SIN? Myosotis is also the daughter of Mandarin, Prince FON KY. FON KI? .. Who was he? Let's just say one of the excellent EX Cin there there than in Paris called him Papi, given the age difference, and that has also maintained very generously, and he said he had been introduced to her the mysteries of ... Western ways. In Macao Cin There BLUM There he met his husband or ex, but in those days divorce was not fashionable, so in desperation he took refuge in Macao where, just to survive, as adviser to the Mandarin, it was believed a eunuch, and thanks in this particular could do to tutor the Princess and the results are not quite satisfactory. But there comes also Petit-Gris eternal love, without hope, the beautiful Cin There There,
che l’ha seguita fin lì o vi si è trovavato per caso, cosa molto, ma molto improbabile. I due sono gli animatori dell’operetta e danno un colore che sarebbe troppo pallido se affidato, solo, ai due inesperti sposini che si raccontano la favola delle tortore.
Per prima cosa, solo per dimostrare la loro reciproca attrazione, i due si sfidano ad uno spietato incontro di Box e Cin Ci Là mette al tappeto Petit-Gris, con un... Bacio.
Sapendo della presenza della sua vecchia amica e presa coscienza delle gravi inesperienze dei due sposini FON KY cerca di correre ai ripari affidando il principino the indisputable expert lessons CIN CI LA '.
CIN CI LA PETIT GRIS and had already tried, unsuccessfully, to give some indication to the two principles, seeing somewhat confused.
Upon receipt of the official from his office, Papi, cinch There, obedience is also convenient for a financial settlement, he devoted himself with special zeal the "formation" of Prince Cyclamen. At this point taken by an acute attack of jealousy, PETIT-GRIS MYOSOTIS follows the desire of the princess, educated, able to follow the husband of adultery on the way to her unknown, but PETIT-GRIS has in mind his beautiful actress and begs and at the same time, complains lovingly
, singing the life motive operetta:
O Cin there there ..... O "Cin We There
Mordi, gnawing, devouring,
Tormenta while
Chi ti vuol bene,
Di fiori son
Le tue catene....."
C in Ci Là,mette in subbuglio, anche le cinesine, perché vuole Europeizzarle.
Le lezioni ai due sposini saranno così efficaci che il carillon suonerà per ben due times but not to announce the actual royal kiss, but for what was to be only a dress rehearsal, with the two professors.
CICLAMINO, however, is really in love with CIN-CI-LA and wants to marry her and this has to suffer a bit 'to dissuade him and convince him to play the chime only with the his bride. In the end love triumphs, the right one: the music box will play a third time, and this time will come, finally, by the Gazebo MYOSOTIS princess and the prince CICLAMINO, between the joy of the people the joy of FON-KY and the satisfaction of disabled teachers Cin There There and Petit-Gris, Petit-Gris, even if that film is there there, let us say, they were tired, because of CIUN-KI-SIN, he is unable to join cor d 'Bold Lover "that going to sea as " colorful lanterns "
Upon receipt of the official from his office, Papi, cinch There, obedience is also convenient for a financial settlement, he devoted himself with special zeal the "formation" of Prince Cyclamen. At this point taken by an acute attack of jealousy, PETIT-GRIS MYOSOTIS follows the desire of the princess, educated, able to follow the husband of adultery on the way to her unknown, but PETIT-GRIS has in mind his beautiful actress and begs and at the same time, complains lovingly
, singing the life motive operetta:
O Cin there there ..... O "Cin We There
Mordi, gnawing, devouring,
Tormenta while
Chi ti vuol bene,
Di fiori son
Le tue catene....."
C in Ci Là,mette in subbuglio, anche le cinesine, perché vuole Europeizzarle.
Le lezioni ai due sposini saranno così efficaci che il carillon suonerà per ben due times but not to announce the actual royal kiss, but for what was to be only a dress rehearsal, with the two professors.
CICLAMINO, however, is really in love with CIN-CI-LA and wants to marry her and this has to suffer a bit 'to dissuade him and convince him to play the chime only with the his bride. In the end love triumphs, the right one: the music box will play a third time, and this time will come, finally, by the Gazebo MYOSOTIS princess and the prince CICLAMINO, between the joy of the people the joy of FON-KY and the satisfaction of disabled teachers Cin There There and Petit-Gris, Petit-Gris, even if that film is there there, let us say, they were tired, because of CIUN-KI-SIN, he is unable to join cor d 'Bold Lover "that going to sea as " colorful lanterns "
" good question to kiss in the dark night " . I the carillon compared to the poor relations of the "Village Bells" confirm the withdrawal said: "Who does by itself makes for three". Cin We There could simply Petit-Gris, but her husband riincontrato BLUM he would not waive its rights of a spouse, is the bell'attrice multiply or divide, generously, for the two?. In any case 2 = Petit-Gris + BLUM divided or multiplied by 1 = Cin there there will be always equal to 2 = (Petit-Gris and Blum) and Cin There There? Haunt even those who loves "His chains are made of flowers."
If we reflect a little about these fairy-tale plots, as in every fairy tale we find a moral. Cin We There might represent, even if it is just presented as such, but in an allegorical Let's see, true love, that is that feeling that everyone is looking, but none can get to win, which always escapes. Petit-Gris is the perseverance that this remains true to his great love. If he did play the carillon as MYOSOTIS Cin CICLAMINO there with us was a metaphorical act of love that causes him to go even against their own interests for the sake of Cin there there. What was said, could be the subject of a Christian reflection or examination of conscience. We are always ready to love others to take risks knowing part of ourselves? not avoid these shows so terrified that some bigot, but we meditate, even on what may appear at first sight superficiale, tenendo presente quanto dice San Paolo in 1Cor. 10,31 " Sia dunque che mangiate sia che beviate sia che facciate qualsiasi altra cosa, fate tutto per la gloria di Dio. "
If we reflect a little about these fairy-tale plots, as in every fairy tale we find a moral. Cin We There might represent, even if it is just presented as such, but in an allegorical Let's see, true love, that is that feeling that everyone is looking, but none can get to win, which always escapes. Petit-Gris is the perseverance that this remains true to his great love. If he did play the carillon as MYOSOTIS Cin CICLAMINO there with us was a metaphorical act of love that causes him to go even against their own interests for the sake of Cin there there. What was said, could be the subject of a Christian reflection or examination of conscience. We are always ready to love others to take risks knowing part of ourselves? not avoid these shows so terrified that some bigot, but we meditate, even on what may appear at first sight superficiale, tenendo presente quanto dice San Paolo in 1Cor. 10,31 " Sia dunque che mangiate sia che beviate sia che facciate qualsiasi altra cosa, fate tutto per la gloria di Dio. "
Lo svago, assistendo anche a spettacoli simili, non visti certo per emularne il contenuto, può essere utile per esorcizzare la realtà, emarginandola in un paradosso irreale, addolcito da una musica piacevole.
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