Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mental Diagnosis Of Parody


Scugnizza è un'operetta di Mario Pasquale Costa su libretto Charles Lombardo, inspired in Naples and its customs. Was performed for the first time at the Teatro Alfieri in Turin, December 16, 1922 from the same company Lombardo and published, first in 1924 and again in 1929 by the music publisher Charles Lombardo, Milano.
The operetta is considered the Italian operetta because, unlike other operettas Lombardo himself, does not take place in the fantasy environments of the authors, but in a real Italian cities: Naples, we can say , is the true star, with its nature, its folklore, its urchins,
the real feelings and problems of the protagonists, which is why many consider it an operetta realist with few others, are an example:
"Acqua Cheta" and "Goodbye Youth" Petri, unlike the other detached from reality that lead the viewer into a state of great bliss and illusory . I state that the case of Italian operetta shows that feature purely our own, the confusion that invades both equities and feelings, and the plot twists and its repercussions on the same plot, and then on the summary that is about to expose myself .
Although originally born in three acts, the operetta is now often represented only in two acts. Before expect to face the plot that the director gives rise to the podium and the attack on the brief prelude that accompanied the opening of the curtain and look at the scene of our history: the streets of Naples.
The action takes place after the war-
-But what war?
- According to the date of the first performance, of course, after the First World War, but in many representations of our times do you understand the second question. The characters begin to have knowledge of which are: Toby Gutter a poor widower American, very rich in the company of beautiful daughter Gaby, from simple tourist visit to Naples. Toby, however, is also represented as a senior commander of the U.S. Navy ever widowed and very rich, and his daughter Gaby? Always beautiful, American Dad and daughter ....
The two visiting Naples are enchanted by nature and folklore in particular by the street urchins who, with their vivacity and their tarantella enliven the scene. These include Toto and Salome, close friends and accomplices in small thefts, while we make of knowledge are sought after by his aunt's Scugnizza Grace Mary Grace, their latest victim of theft.
Among the discussions that are created, expressed with particular vividness and elegance, typical of our southern Elder Toby realizes the beauty of Salome and falls in love as to make a fuss as a child to bring with them to America.
Aunt Mary Grace, an adult and wise, at first becomes aware of the excessive difference in 'age that separates the grandfather's niece, that the two, but becoming aware of the richness of Toby convinces himself that this matrimonio s’ha da fare per risolvere i loro problemini  economici: “ Più dell’età poté  il digiuno”.  A questo punto, o anche prima, entra in scena Chic; chi sarebbe costui?  Il segretario o l’attendente del comandante, che cerca timidamente di far la corte a Gaby che non sembra affatto disposta a ricambiarlo. In effetti, Chic è un napoletano, romano o un bolognese che innamoratosi perdutamente della bella americana si è arruolato al servizio di Toby, solo per poter star vicino alla sua amata.
Chic is involved, despite himself, to convince the U.S. to marry Salome. The two trust each other their emotional situation.
Chic, to get started, first invited the girl to take care not only to appearances, explaining, in their couplet that one swallow does not make a summer.
then invites her to dance the dance of the moment: the Shimmy.
Gaby, meanwhile meets Toto knowing that the marriage of his playmates, scopre in se, per la scugnizza un sentimento più grande dell’infantile amicizia. E involontariamente fa colpo sulla bella americana che resta colpita dai suoi sentimenti e dal suo carattere romantico e vorrebbe che Chic si comportasse come lui!!
Per non approfondire la confusione che si viene a creare, cosa che si fa anche nelle messe in scena dello spettacolo, andiamo alla conclusione.
Toby prende coscienza che la scugnizza, anche se divenuta sua moglie ama Totò e decide di divorziare, cosa facile dato che il matrimonio è rato, ma non consumato. Questa sua generosità è premiata, anche  perché vede zia Maria Grazia con occhi diversi, forse perché no longer dazzled by the young Scugnizza, and asks her to marry her.
calls it his attendant or secretary, to ask his daughter's hand.
Chic seems to be a fortune hunter, but in operetta, although veristic like this, never wins the self-interest and
good will always triumph, giving the example of a moral being followed today, unfortunately, is no longer fashionable, the mere fact Chic is really in love with Gaby and loving though poor.
What will the whole family? We all start for America or will everyone in Naples?
to sing all the time in the classic final parade concludes that the public every operetta.
Suite 's entire operetta

Saturday, September 25, 2010

How To Make Cool Designs On Jelly Bracelets

Summer season of the Teatro Franco Zappalà

Company Palermo Operettas
Teatro Franco Zappalà
In at the fourth edition Operetta Operetta Palermo Fest organized by the Society under the artistic direction of Franco Zappalà which gave a significant change to the theatrical culture in Palermo Palermo reviving this kind of show that the city had now become not only imported by companies Sicily. At the Gran Teatro di Villa Philippines, which will hopefully become even bigger were scheduled from 7 until September 12, 2010 .
The program aims to "Merry Widow" by Lehar, operetta, classical repertoire also represented last year at the Teatro del Parco di Villa Castelnuovo, vegetables. Also scugnizzo Lombardo and Costa, a variety with Sasa Salvaggio "Tales of Sicily" and finally "Carosello Napoletano" Purpura a classic song, of course, Naples.
After the brilliant operetta F. Lehar, "The Merry Widow," bad weather conditions forced the company to cancel the show with Sasa Salvaggio "Tales of Sicily",

but even if the dates had to be changed The other two performances with the orchestra, headed by the skilful management of the teacher Michele De Luca with the direction entrusted to the choir good Piera Di Peri and the dance troupe, consisting of 15 young and talented dancers who have performed and choreographed by Marco Carini, have been performed successfully from 7 until 13 September 2010.
"The Merry Widow " has seen him perform as actors in the role of Danilo, a brilliant and delicate Filippo Pina Castiglioni, very composed even in the parts recited. A more robust voice, that of Mimmo Ghegghi, gave birth to cav. De Rossillion. A nice and commendable interpretation stage as voice, that of Toti Sutera, who plays the Baron Zeta presentava il solo difetto di dimostrare la sua reale giovane età e non quella dell’attempato ambasciatore. La parte della moglie di questi è stata interpretata dalla brava Elisabetta Giammanco.Franco Zappalà, oltre che a curare la regia si è esibito nella parte di Niegus, per questa edizione trasformato nel siciliano Nicola emigrato a Parigi ed entrato, non si sa come, in diplomazia nell’ambasciata dell’immaginario regno Pontevedrino divenendo Niegus, contro il suo volere. Dulcis in fundo  Anita Venturi nella parte dell’apprezzatissima e applauditissima Hanna Glavari.
Anche se un po’sacrificato nello spazio a disposizione, il corpo di ballo si è esibito egregiamente.
September 12 went on stage Carosello Napoletano

where famous Neapolitan songs were introduced by recited parts and even poetic, in a typical Neapolitan setting, where Columbine (Iaia Corcoran) and Pulcinella (Coco Gullotta) did the honors of performing greg in the interpretation of other characters.
The rest of the cast consisted of Toti Sutera, Mimmo Ghegghi and Elizabeth Giammanco.
A special mention goes to the emerging tenor Vincenzo Bonomo who left the entire audience enraptured by his voice made, powerful and elegant, without detracting from the skill of other artists and, first, the talented lady of the house Anita Venturi.
On this occasion, the wider scene gave way to the dancers, led by Marco Carini to perform with more freedom.
On September 13, 2010

It was the turn of scugnizzo
operetta in 2 acts of the Italian Carlo Lombardo and Mario Costa,
starring Anita Venturi, in the part of the master's daughter Gaby Toby, played by Paul La Bruna.
The tenor, who si è distinto anche come attore, Vincenzo Bonomo, Iaia Corcione,nella parte di una brava Salomè;
Ale Brachetti,un simpatico Chic; Stefania Blandeburgo, ha ben caratterizzato la parte della  Zia Grazia; Marco Feo, 
  in quest’edizione è il  fratello della scugnizza  al posto dello  Zio Gennaro come in altri copioni.  
Un personaggio che non trova riscontro in altre edizioni è la parte Rosalba entrusted to Bologna who plays a typical American soldier, as the basis of full Colonel Toby.
E. .... the plot?
The next item t!
"The Merry Widow"

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kate's Playground Office Wine

The Merry Widow

From German Die lustige Witwe

Operetta in three acts written by the Hungarian composer Ferenc Lehár later known as with libretto by Franz Viktor Léon and Leo Stein, alias Viktor Hirschfeld Rosenstein and Leo, the comedy by Henri Meilhac, The attaché d'ambassade ( The embassy employee) of 1861 and is presented for the first time in Vienna December 30, 1905. What can we find the moral or spiritual context, frivolous and mundane, in which this takes place?
We are in full-Belle Epoque - and the picture it paints Lehár , in a context that reflects the customs of those times where one of the can-can dancers, the social events mixed with political interests and courting not entirely legitimate (which are both thought to this day), presents us with a fairy-tale world and the moral and noble honest, fairy tales, always triumph, although the emphasis of flying dancers who move to the rhythm of waltz pleasant e.. CAN CAN.
bigotry, apparently, the definition could, like other representations, operetta immoral, but as already discussed above, DON GIOVANNI commits crimes far more serious than just a dance show where the knickers grandmother, and even when they are turned into panties grandchildren, in the end are equally morality (except the dancers, and others, have tattoos - Ed.)
But silence, the director of the podium and begins operating straight.

We are in Paris, at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Pontevedra where the ambassador, Baron Zeta has organized a big party for charity in honor of His Majesty. "charity? Well, pardon the expression very diplomatic, but .. uh ... I'll see the Bridge, as well as being a land of fantasy through a period of harsh reality, amidst severe economic hardship on the brink of bankruptcy. You must, therefore, that the state coffers will be bolstered, but how? Ambassador the Baron Mirko Zeta has an ace up its sleeve, the widow of a wealthy banker Pontevedrino .- But what does the widow with the economic fortunes of the kingdom? Baron Zeta intimate entire embassy to prevent Mrs. Hanna Glavary, the name of the widow, married a Parisian, but only and solely a Pontevedrino for his wealth, only 51% of the assets of the kingdom to remain at home. The ambassador received encouraging news from his obliging Niegus chancellor, who, after a long search, found the arms of the dancers Maxim Count Danilo Danilovich, the jack of hearts on which counts of money to win the queen, the widow. Between Danilo and Hanna had been there, in fact, a feeling in the past and this bodes well Zeta. Arriva Ms Glavary immediately besieged and courted by all Parisians present, there had been a bachelor Pontevedrino! After a bit 'of time, The diligent Niegus, accepts the attendant embassy Count Danilo Danilovich, arriving tired and drunk, as well as late. When the count to pprendo its mission, to woo and marry the widow, while loving her, refuses categorically.
His penniless noble dignity of the figure to prevent him to go back to his millions, actually the real purpose of the mission entrusted to him by the ambassador.
The relationship between Danilo and Hanna had been interrupted by the uncle of him because their noble and rich and her poor and humble, but now the parties are reversed. The Glavary, not being naive comprises of being courted by all for his millions and is to include Danilo wary of him too, so much sought after, diplomatic declaration of love between her and the pride that him, turns into a masochistic declaration of war. At this point, before continuing our story, it is imperative to go back and make two other important characters.
The characters, in effect, open the operetta is the wife of: Valencienne and its relentless suitor Camille de Roussillon. This flirtation is known to all except the baron Zeta, which has no doubt on the fidelity of his wife and has full confidence in Rossillon to which the trust to go to receive Ms Glavary. confidence Baron, despite appearances is well placed because Valencienne resistant, even against his own will to Avance di  Camillo che ha scritto sul suo ventaglio la sua dichiarazione.” È  solo voi che  IO  AMO “
e gli  canta  decisa, suo malgrado, di essere “ una donna onesta” e rispettare il suo matrimonio .

Daniela Mazucato e Luca Canonici
In alternativa gli propone di dargli in moglie e indovinate chi? Si proprio lei Madame Glavary .
At the time of the widow will have to make his choice between the various contenders Valencienne present extolling him all of his gifts as a dancer, and .. .... No more complicated projects of Baron and be jealous of the seemingly indifferent Danilo. These upset Hanna which invites him to dance, responding with the most blatant lie ... I do not know how to dance with a little trickery and gets rid of the other contenders, but this time, and Anna Glavary to refuse ' invitation to dance Danilo responding with the same excuse: "I do not know dance."

Act II

The second act opens in the house of Anna Glavary the place of the party he had invited all those present at the reception held at the embassy. These are all in costume and dances pontevedrino Hungarian The hostess welcoming tells the mythological story of the nymph Vilja delicate waltz echoed by the chorus and makes you dream for herself first.

(at this point the first part of a suite operetta)
Count Danilo arrives late and of course gets a second term by the ambassador, just think 'what? Find the owner of the range where Camille de Roussillon had written
"It's just that I love you" without the slightest thought would be his wife.
After meeting with the clash Glavary, the count began his research in search of the mysterious owner of the fan, of course not found, but is aware of the secret intrigues of his rivals , pretendenti di Anna Glavary, con le mogli di due importanti funzionari dell’ambasciata, e ciò gli basta per intimare a tutti e due di prender le distanze dalla vedova se non vogliono che sveli i loro segreti.Dopo un'altra provocazione della padrona di casa, per strappargli la dichiarazione che in realtà sogna, Danilo lascia cadere il fatidico ventaglio e lei raccogliendolo e leggendo la compromettente frase .” È solo voi che IO AMO “ crede che il conte l’abbia scritto per lei, ma questo non gli basta lei vuol sentirlo dalla sua voce.Valencienne ed il suo inseparabile Camillo entrano in scena e mentre Camille le chiede un ricordo per sentirla sempre accanto trovano, possiamo dirlo, il loro ventaglio e Valencienne vi scrive su una frase nuova per il povero Camillo: “ Io sono una donna onesta”..
A questo punto gli chiede almeno un bacio d’addio, ma per questo pensano ad un luogo appartato e lì vi è un chiosco, non quello dei gelati, diciamo allora gazebo chiuso, per intenderci e vi entrano,e lì entrano. dopo aver cantato un altro duetto.

Giunge Niegus che vede la scena quindi il barone Zeta che sapendo che nel chiosco vi è Camillo con una donna sposata il barone vuol scoprire lui stesso da diplomatico di chi si is, Niegus leaves having had the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200breplacing Valencienne with .. but meanwhile Danilo arrives and is amazed to see the ambassador spy from the lock of the kiosk and here the plot twists follow one after another. The Baron takes a shot at almost see inside the kiosk and his wife while he talks to Danilo here that the door opens and out Camille de Roussillon and Hanna Glavary at this point is the shot of Count Danilo
who, after having told , as a wedding gift the bride and groom a fairytale story goes.
To go where? Danilo Danilovich and where it can go if Maxim!


In the third act we see one by a third party hosted by Mrs. Glavary Pontevedrina embassy and each performs in a personal number. The first is that Niegus decided that evening to do in Paris. So Valencienne who performs with the dance troupe, in a provocative Can Can. To spoil the party get a dispatch to the Ambassador of His Majesty to give notice to prevent a Parisian widow to marry the otherwise inevitable bankruptcy of the country would and the task of this third mission is given to those who know? The Count Danilo, of course.
So Danilovich tackles with authority the beautiful widow.
-Bella? Certainly if it had not been beautiful she would not love!
and impediments to marry sgnor de Roussillon. Anna reassures the ear of having to replace a married woman. Danilo cheered calls everyone to give the good news he had completed his mission: Madame Glavary not marry more Camillo. The news encourages all other suitors, but have informed them that a clause of the will of her deceased husband says that if she ran to the second Wedding lose all the inheritance that her suitors away Danilo and finally learning that his would be nice penniless as he finally said, and immediately returned. Who falls into utter despair and Baron Zeta in Pontevedra that sees the ruins, but Anna assures him playing the second clause of the will when it was written that in the event of remarriage of Glavary its assets would pass to her second husband, everyone is happy and confirms the moral and happy life motive operetta, "It is scandalous women study"

Suite Part II of the operetta with Raina Kabaivanska
Mikael Melbye, Daniela Mazzucato, Elio Pandolfi, Luca Canonici

Director: Daniel Oren