Don Giovanni - Mozart -
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Saturday, April 25, 2009
Composed by Mozart to a libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte seems to have been inspired by a book entitled John Bertati Don Juan Tenorio, which is the guest of stone, made major changes. Berti had in turn derived his text from a verse drama of 1630 the great English writer Tirso de Molina, The seducer of Seville and the Guest of Stone (El Burlador Convidado de Sevilla y de piedra).
The first performance was held October 29, 1787 Theatre
of the States General of Prague Don John, or the profligate punished, it is work that is not, of course, an example of moral life, since the dissolution of the protagonist, which persists and does not repent of his misdeeds, but we see in it a lesson, almost a parable, even, a satirical form, to deal with the drama, in some places, even joyful, funny. Let joked, mocked, sin, crime, we joke, the craving for revenge, hatred of, let us say, rival of the protagonist, his victims, but to what degree, victims? The setting is uncertain, considering the English community, but it could be, too, in the Veneto, the home of Da Ponte. Don Giovanni, a country squire, Venetian or English as it is, is the classic, Don John, that is, libertine, philanderer, so all the libertines, was ennobled their vice, invested with that title, without asking apologize to Don John of serious moral and original Nobility. We are witnessing now in action! The Director of the podium, here we see Herbert von Karajan,
dirigere la sinfonia. Dopo l’ouverture, si apre il sipario.
I atto
E' notte e Don Giovanni, come sua abitudine, è andato a caccia di dame attraenti o meno, consenzienti o no, e ciò turba e ingelosisce Leporello, suo servo, che stanco di “far da sentinella, ” non disdegnerebbe le parti del suo padrone. D’improvviso, don Giovanni, compare in scena, coperto dal mantello, mentre fugge dalla ritrosa, non consenziente, donna Anna che lo trattiene e grida, invocando il soccorso dei suoi servi, ma malauguratamente, per lui, interviene il padre della dama che armato della sua durlindana vuol difendere l’onore della figlia, ma ne resta ferito a morte dalla spada di don Giovanni e cade stecchito sul palcoscenico, non prima di aver invocato soccorso e cantato la sua agonia. Donna Anna è andata a chiamare l’amico Ottavio, suo spasimante, e al ritorno trovano il padre in rigidis mortis e la povera orfanella, oppressa dal dolore, prima vuol morire appresso a chi " le diè la vita", ma subito dopo fa giurare all’amico di vendicare la morte del commendatore, non contentandosi di accettarlo come sposo e padre, e lui giura vendetta per amore di lei. Soli, Leporello e Don Giovanni, quasi litigano perché il povero servo gli fa notare: “ The life you are leading is rogue. " The other villain of Leporello, however, reminds him of the oath, carpitogli cleverly, just before, not to get angry for what was about to tell him and so John goes on to another topic. What other subject, if not women. Trust in Leporello's falling in love with a beautiful lady and is certain that she loves him. Suddenly, Don, this "odor of female" and no mistake, in fact, comes a lady, you see that women who had a nose for? The lady speaks, alone and in a loud voice, a barbaro che le mancò di fé e don Giovanni pronto a consolare il suo tormento si avvicina a lei, ma ne resta deluso, il fiuto l’ha avvertito fosse una femmina, ma non chi, Infatti, la dama è Donna Elvira, che Giovanni aveva già, come sua abitudine, sedotta e abbandonata e che, ora, pensa di consolare, senza sospettare di essere proprio lui il barbaro, tanto si sente candido. Donna Elvira è, seriamente, determinata a interrompere la carriera del seduttore facendosi sposare, ottenendone, ovviamente, l’effetto opposto facendolo fuggire da lei. Così per evitare le continue accuse, don Giovanni, lascia a Leporello il compito di scoraggiare donna Elvira, dai suoi insani propositi ed esce di scena. È proprio at this point that the servant, faithful slave, is the guide to the lady, love, achievements of his master, as listed in a catalog. Here is the famous aria of Leporello: "Madamin this is a list of the beautiful master has loved me. A list which I have compiled to read watch with me. " Yes, that he, as if this notebook was a living being, it is not used for reasons of metrical music. In fact, in that catalog, we can say, to see nature, the very presence of Don Giovanni in person, then the personification of the protagonist, the presentation of his understanding of life, love, women. ... in Italy 640, in Almagno 231, 100 in France in 1991 in Turkey, but in Spain "heard , hear "in Spain already one thousand and three" without difference of class and age, painting obviously his way of loving women, "He seduces the old ones for the pleasure of adding to list "and concludes with" It does not matter whether it is rich, is it ugly or beautiful: If she wears a skirt "and concludes with a wink to Donna Elvira, with an explicit allusion "You know ... what he does." These feelings and soul, great and generous, we'll look at the work that Don Giovanni. Leporello and his master he came upon a group of young people rejoicing, celebrating a wedding and the bride and groom are now Zerlina and Masetto and the seducer into action courting, without loss of time, the bride. At this point, we note, as the life of the seducer was also facilitated by women while hiding behind a mask of respectability and honesty, encourage him with a behavior, confusion, typically female. To be friendly with the couple, Don Giovanni invites all to his palace and sends Leporello, with husband and invited to the honors, holding, with it, Zerlina, Masetto tries to rebel, but is reassured, even Zerlina, who invited him to fear not, because she remains in the hands of a knight and Leporello adds "well that will do your share." be alone with Zerlina, Don Giovanni begins a court pressing, to invite her to a nearby house where "getting married" and here's loyalty towards her husband Zerlina, Masetto, begins to waver, I say he già cominciato sin dall’inizio, ma ora capitola. “Là ci darem la mano, là mi dirai di si……” l’invita don Giovanni e Zerlina, che, in un primo momento risponde, con tattica, puramente femminile, ” vorrei e non vorrei ……” per poi concludere insieme al suo seduttore “ Andiam… Andiamo". Small thought: what was great and faithful love for her Masetto Zerlina? Personally, instead of Masetto, I would have given the well-served, this girl, who will then telling the poor martyr Masetto: "But if I do not fault! ... If he I was deceived ... " . In practice, if I had deceived you I cheated on him with pleasure, convincing in the end, his arrogance with her husband (not for his honesty) that nothing had happened. Taking up the story, while Don Giovanni and Zerlina flertano going "to restore the punishment of an innocent love" , he met Donna Elvira, eternal troublemaker, plans of Don Giovanni, after having reprimanded for his conduct, (a cross between a scene of jealousy and a moral lesson), he warns, the naive, but not so, Zerlina of the true nature of his lover. "Ah flee the traitor" , a warning, of course, not entirely disinterested, as Zerlina brings out the scene. The Don was just reflecting on how the devil have fun that day to frustrate all his plans and is not over, just then enter Donna Anna and Don Ottavio that, knowing him, approach him and Anna the challenges ". ... you have the heart, you generous soul?" John, not having these qualities , thought to have been discovered (sta'a see that the devil told her anything.) " and answers " that question! Why? " riprende fiato quando sente dalla sua mancata conquista che hanno bisogno della sua amicizia e si dichiara essere pronto a servirla, ha, anche, la sfrontatezza di chiedere a Donna Anna “perché così piangete? Il crudele chi fu, che osò……” ed ha già la fiducia dei due quando, come il cacio sui maccheroni, chi pensate che entri in scena a questo punto? Proprio lei, Donna Elvira che vedendo in Anna un’altra probabile preda, abboccata, all’amo di don Giovanni, la sconsiglia di non porgli fede “Non ti fidar, o misera di quel ribaldo cor! I have already betrayed the barbarian vol betray you again. " A Ottavio and Anna, at first, Elvira makes a good impression with his noble but Don Giovanni to clear himself, said " poor girl is crazy " , but is denied immediately by Donna Elvira, and the two fall in absolute confusion, given the esteem for the two in conflict with the charges that move each other. The rest of the duet between Don Giovanni and Donna Elvira is any doubt to be born Ottavio. Exit Elvira Don Giovanni, to avoid dutiful questions, with the excuse of checking the "poor unfortunate" , leaves the scene gallantly taking leave for women who suddenly tells Anna Ottavio of being dead. Ottavio, the term remains to be stupid, not understanding why breathe and speak again, but soon learns from his great enlightenment. Anna claims to have recognized in Don Giovanni: "The murderer of the father" his . At which point she tells the story forward, accadutagli, and with such great detail, ; to be left with bated breath his lover breathing only when she learns, finally, the end of the combative affair that saw his beautiful emerged unscathed by the INS about the deceiver in disguise. Looking back on the attack on his honor and the killing of the father leaves the stage by asking Anna Ottavio to avenge her. The pure Eighth remains alone with his delusional thoughts, in fact, can not comprehend how a knight as Don Giovanni, will be capable of such acts and is determined to ".... discover the truth .. " then fell into a languid, exaggeration, excitement, a poor deluded of his feelings for Anna, unaware esserne divenuto, totalmente schiavo perché, conclude, udite: “…. Quel che le incresce morte mi da. S’ella sospira sospiro anch’io è mia quell’ira, quel pianto è il mio; e non ho bene, s’ella non ha.” Don Giovanni, nei pressi del suo palazzo, incontra Leporello che gli narra ciò che ha dovuto fare in sua assenza, delle bugie che ha dovuto raccontare, imparate così bene a star con lui, ciò che ha detto a Masetto per calmare la sua gelosia. Riferisce anche dell’arrivo di Zerlina e Donna Elvira la quale, gridando, diceva tutto il male possibile di Giovanni e alfine, Leporello riferisce d’averla portata “…fuor dell’orto…” e “chiusa la porta a chiave ” lasciata, sola, sulla via. Don Giovanni si complimenta con lui e gli affida l’incarico di preparare una gran festa per tutti, ovviamente, per i suoi interessi personali, raccomanda che le danze dovranno svolgersi senza alcun ordine perché vuole amoreggiare, per poter aggiungere, l’indomani,alla lista, una decina di nomi. Cambia la scena e qui Masetto fa una legittima scenata di gelosia, già accennata sopra, a Zerlina, e quando arriva don Giovanni, si nasconde per assistere, non visto, alla scena che segue. Don Giovanni riprende a far la corte a “Zerlinetta” come la chiama lui e non perde tempo a portarla da parte, proprio nel luogo ove è nascosto Masetto. Stupito e confuso,alla vista di questo, il professionista in seduzione, non si perde d’animo e rivolto a Masetto gli dice, candidamente, “ La bella tua Zerlina non può, la poverina, più star senza di te”. Inizia la musica, e tutti e tre si uniscono alle danze. A questo punto, Donna Elvira, Don Otttavio e Donn’Anna, vestiti in maschera, sono nei pressi del palazzo e sono invitati da Leporello ad entrare, non attendendo altro, accettano col desiderio di vendetta nel cuore. La festa è iniziata. Leporello and Don Giovanni, are the honors emulating the peddlers of the beaches of our times, coffee! Chocolate! Sorbets! Confetti! Coca Cooolaaaa ...! No one was not, yet, been imported. Masetto Zerlina calls to have feedback because it foresees a bitter epilogue, in fact, Don Giovanni begins to do this with the gallant, making it tremble with jealousy. Leporello introduces ... tidal charming " with the approval of his master " It 's open to everybody, long live freedom ". Donna Elvira rivogendosi woman Anna, Zerlina indicates "That's the woman" and who knows why Anna comes up with his monotonous beat, the lady hypocrite and why not, even not very intelligent: "I'm dying!" John orders his servant Masetto to dance, to keep it away from you and begins to dance and Zerlina with her, but all of a sudden let good manners as a knight, drags her, resolutely, con se, dietro le quinte. Parapiglia generale, tutti vanno in soccorso di Zerlina che grida aiuto e al tradimento, per primo corre Masetto seguito da Leporello. Fra la confusione generale, a un tratto, da una porta, esce Don Giovanni che tiene con una mano la spada, mentre con l’altra trascina Leporello per il braccio e lo indica a Zerlina, che è uscita, nel frattempo, da un’altra parte e a tutti, come il responsabile dell’offesa ” Ecco il birbo che t’ha offesa” ed è pronto ad ucciderlo “ Mori iniquo" , but no one believes him and the masks are revealed to Don Ottavio, weapon in hand, and the only faces of Donna Elvira and Donna Anna put him in confusion, here the final concert of the first act that finally sees Don John, sword in hand, his way through the crowd to bow out.
Act II
The second act opens with a fight between Don Giovanni and Leporello, because it has decided to quit after his boss was about to kill him. But John appease him with the money " four double " telling him not to speak of what happened ask him to do what he says " I only let women " adds Leporello, but let women don John is madness "and you have the heart of disappointment, then, all" emphasizes the servant "It 's all love" Don Giovanni and his replies theory is, indeed, caring for, to devote himself one would be an offense to the others, but it is understood and concludes: "I want to love them all. The women then calculate that they do not know, my very natural call deception. " Speaking of women Don Giovanni has in mind to woo Donna Elvira's maid, and be free, undisturbed, it suggests, indeed, order, to woo Donna Elvira Leporello in bringing distant. To implement this plan we will exchange the clothes so Elvira Don Giovanni and Leporello, believing they will have more chances with the girl because it argues that "have little credit with the people of this rank mansions " , so Don Giovanni Donna Elvira calls while you are in the balcony, to come down, leaving more than a little surprised by this sudden change. Despite not morally agree with his master, Leporello and afraid of being recognized and obeyed, favored by the shadows of the evening, meets with Donna Elvira showing gentle and gallant beginning to appreciate the joke, well, Don Giovanni begins to sing a serenade his treasure "De come to window.
Masetto, armed with a musket and gun, enters the scene along with other farmers, is on the trail of Don Giovanni, to kill him, and finds it, but in the guise of Leporello and Masetto are feeling the intentions of sided with him, ready to betray his master (ie himself) sends, so half of his companions on one side and Mata on the other traces of himself, or rather the poor Leporello, the vero.Restato so, only with Masetto with guile and timeliness, the disarming and struck him with the hilt of his sword. Zerlina enters the scene to rescue that Masetto is complaining "Oh my head, shoulders ah ah" and says to his wife "... someone broke the bones and nerves" , but who? Masetto obviously that someone was "Leporello," but it is not so sure because it adds "... or some devil who looks like him." Zerlina it profit, like all women, to rebuke his "insane jealousy" but look, too, Masetto in all the pain points and not content with the indications of poor adds "and then does not it hurt more?" since they were affected areas is particularly important to her, consoles him: "gradually it is no great pain, if the rest is healthy come away with me at home and adds that if it is not jealous, has a remedy for its ills, "goodie .., what a remedy you want to give." Donna Elvira, sure to be with Don Giovanni, followed the love duet with Leporello, which, however, find a way to escape from the situation where, quite dangerous, as we shall see. In the meantime come into play Donna Anna and Don Ottavio, Leporello thinking he had found a way out, he runs, however, in Masetto e Zerlina che insieme ai due entrati prima si avventano contro di lui credendolo il responsabile di tutto, Donna Elvira corre in sua difesa e implora, sbilanciandosi un po’ troppo, pietà ”E’ mio marito! Pietà pietà “ , lasciando gli altri stupiti, ma solo per poco. Leporerello, per evitare il linciaggio, svela la sua vera identità, lasciando tutti sbigottiti e tutti quasi litigano per chi deve avere il privilegio di punirlo, ovviamente con la morte. Leporello, implorando pietà, chiede a Donna Elvira di compatirlo e dichiarandosi estraneo all’aggressione subita da Masetto, dà la colpa al suo padrone :“Del padron la prepotenza l’innocenza mi rubò”, poi si guarda in torno e questa volta riesce a fuggire. Ottavio, ora è certo della colpevolezza di Don Giovanni e decide di andare a Vendicare, in pochi istanti, la sua bella e nel frattempo lascia Donna Anna alle cure di Donna Elvira “il mio tesoro intanto andate a consolar” Donna Elvira rimasta sola, (…ma non doveva consolare donna Anna…??) vede il suo sciagurato e amato,come in profezia, pronto ad essere giudicato dal cielo ed anche se fu tradita e abbandonata prova per lui ancora pietà e conclude “ guardo il suo cimento palpitando il cor mi va” Leporello and Don Giovanni They find themselves in the cemetery where, among other statues is that of the Commander, his true victim. Giovanni Leporello derides him that he would woo a girl even if this had been his moglie.Una voice, however, stops "The riders will end ere dawn" . Don Giovanni and Leporello asks who spoke without thinking to guess, says, "someone will be from the other world that knows you well" is not seeing nobody, they see the statue of the Commendatore, who spoke again. From how it unfolds the story of the work, twenty-four hours maximum, the times do not include the construction of a statue with inscription that Leporello, although he had not learned to read by moonlight, he must decipher his master. This is the inscription: "ungodly extreme step that drew me here waiting for revenge" At which point Don Giovanni in defiance of memory of the deceased, in an ironic tone trembling with fear forces Leporello to invite the Commendatore in the evening for dinner. These, and mocked by John, the statue will execute the order and answers: Yes, meanwhile expressed his languid Don Ottavio, Donna Anna naive love che con la scusa della morte del padre, pur appellandolo come” idol mio”, mantiene le distanze ed in più lo colpevolizza, facendo abilmente la vittima, col suo life motive“ Calma, calma il tuo tormento, se di duol non voi ch’io mora!” . “ Già la mensa è preparata” don Giovanni si appresta a mangiare, allietato dalla musica di una sua piccola orchestra personale, un’alternativa ai giradischi e ai lettori di CD che allora non esistevano. Il suo povero servo riesce a rubare un boccone e si scusa col suo padrone riprendendo il motivo de la marcetta, da “le Marriage of Figaro " " no more will you amorous butterfly, " that is changed " so excellent is your chef who wanted to prove myself " concluded from Don Giovanni, with derision, "Yes it is an excellent cook mine, who wanted to prove anch'ei" A combination, this, musically, not random, because the music not the words presage the end of his unsuspecting Don career loving, as in "Marriage of Figaro, Figaro looks forward to happen to the young suitor Cherubino, threatened with being sent to war. In the middle of dinner Donna Elvira enters the scene to show, the magnificent Don still love her and ask for the last time to change my life, but John, and ridiculed, he concludes, "let ch ' I eat and if you like eating with me, "and toast to the females' support and glory of humanity." Upon leaving, Donna Elvira, a great cry, what happened? The players are fleeing Leporello trembles and tries to describe the scene he saw. They knock on the door, which opens Don Giovanni order, but Leporello, who saw something that can not express the fear, refuses, so Don John decides to open himself. Log Thus, the stone statue of the Commendatore "Don Giovanni to dine with you invited me and I am come ".
Ripresosi dal primo momento di stupore il dissoluto gli offre da mangiare, ma la statua riprende” non si pasce di cibo mortale chi si pasce di cibo celeste. Altre cure più gravi di queste, altra brama quaggiù mi guidò”. Ciò detto lo invita a rispettare le buone maniere rispondendo all’invito che ora makes him ".. or you know your duty; answer: will you come to dine with me" Leporello invites him to say no, but Don Giovanni as a gentleman, even if villain, and not to be accused of cowardice, although I understand the true meaning accepts the invitation. It gives the statue's hand has been secured and froze, the Commander, with the categorical imperative calls to repent "Repent! Change your life: it is the last time" . but Don Giovanni, stubborn does not repent. The Commander insists "Repent." This "another yearning," Commander of the mission, to save the soul of his murderess. "Repent infamous" and last "NO" , Don obstinacy, concludes "no more time ah v 'is " . At this point, according to the directions, the dissolute and dragged out the door, behind the scenes or is left to fall into a trap from the stage, where they welcomed him, a chorus of devils, improvised smoke and flames of hell. 's too late, when Don Giovanni understands and says: "From what ... unusual tremor. Feeling assaulted spirits .. dond'escono those vortexes of fire full of horror " " About the soul tearing me apart! Who torments that torment the bowels, alas that madness! What a hell terror " . In this way, leaves the scene, leaving disappointed, but not for long his pursuers, alias his victims who burst onto the stage to get justice. Leporello tells them that someone more authoritative of them have already done so. At which point the hero, so to speak, Ottavio asks Anna, since I've been vindicated by heaven, to give him "a rest, do not make me languish still" damina but the cold, having now received the support of the ingenuous content, he replied: "Leave, O dear, another year to rein in my heart" But what release and what the heart and then that dear .... We can define the shape of women to take kindly let us say around. Ottavio reflection that the poor does not arise and bows his head, sighing: "to the desires of one who adores you must ceder a true love" phrase repeated like a parrot, just a song, from sadistic women 'Anna and we have no news of what happened the following year. Zerlina and Masetto regardless of what they decide to go home to dinner with friends. Leporello, instead, think that the inn will find a better master and the newlyweds happy and sings a song mocking already thinking of Don Juan in Hell "with Pluto and Persephone." Donna Elvira, after realizing that Commendatore was the shadow that had met and terrified, he decided to quit the convent "to finish my life" This looks like the only person who really loved Don Giovanni, though obsessively, but is thinking, even though we are in an extreme case of sin against the Holy Spirit (as the sinner refused to repent until the very end), that the poor woman has spent the rest of his life and beyond to pray in the hope of meeting, perhaps after thousands of years of purgatory, her lover and to finally realize her love the source of Love. And the moral? Perhaps Mozart had no intention to draw a moral being he is not very loyal to certain laws, but to us it is obvious that before making a decision God gives us several chances to repent and want our firm conviction, our abhorrence at his mercy. before us before the sentencing that more that desired by him is decided by the sinner. The figure of the Commendatore, in fact, represents the love and mercy of God for his children, especially those most in need ... The reaction of other characters, before the end of evil, shows how often we are indifferent to the suffering of our spiritual next. We only see the bad material we receive, not the suffering that can meet the perpetrators of evil, forgetting that we could be among them too. Who wants the good of the sinner has to behave as Dona Elvira warned that until the last, but not heard, our beloved and here we mean love, not selfish love, material, but that love God who wants to practice all that Jesus has given us as the main command.
Having mentioned the sin against the Holy Spirit to learn more about the subject refer to the following sites:
; the unpardonable sin
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