Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sacramento Ca Glory Holes

Centr.UM Rome calls for an urgent meeting with the Mayor

Le Centralità Urbane e Metropolitane di Roma scrivono a Gianni Alemanno sul mancato rispetto, da parte del Comune, dei principi urbanistici generali che ne hanno ispirato la loro nascita

Roma, 30 Giugno 2008 - Centr.U.M. Roma, la Rete delle Centralità Urbane e Metropolitane di Roma, nata con lo scopo di difendere e di far rispettare le politiche urbanistiche con cui sono state definite le Centralità Urbane all’interno del Nuovo P.R.G., ha inviato una richiesta di incontro urgente con il Sindaco Gianni Alemanno e gli Assessori ed Uffici Tecnici competenti del Comune di Roma. Si is the first of many initiatives that Centr.UM Roma take to ensure the application of 'art. 60, C.8 of Technical Implementation of the New PRG: "the implementation of the central metropolitan and urban areas is subject to prior or contemporaneous construction of rail infrastructure (metro lines, other systems in your home) .

A table of comparison, therefore, the emergence of serious mobility element with which they were defined in the New Centrality PRG In a letter to the Mayor of Rome
Centrality also launching the alarm for non-compliance , by the municipality, the application of general planning principles, as well as the serious shortage of quality public services, especially after the initiation of the investigation by prosecutors in Rome on the New PRG, particularly with regard to the hypothesis crime of violation of zoning laws.

The central claim the right to be "new urban centers ... live and lived full-time or dormitory towns, or neighborhoods that are emptying the evening at the close of business" as was confirmed during seminar on the new urban centers and metropolitan 's 8 and 9 June 2007 promoted by the Department of City Planning in Rome.

Finally, the network of Centrality Centr.Um Rome, thanks to the technical expertise of the Laboratory of Urban laburo XIII and advocacy of the Danish study Santorelli Gotti, is about to undertake a comprehensive series of initiatives to raise awareness among local residents and the public on emergency in progress, obtain guarantees precise and concrete assurances from the City of Rome, and to protect the rights and legitimate expectations of the inhabitants of the central locations in all civil, criminal and administrative without excluding the Bodies of Appeal Justice of the European Union.

Part of the network Centr.UM Rome Centrality "Acyl-Madonnetta", "Anagnina-Romanina", "Bufalotta", "Eur-Castellaccio", "Ponte di Nona-Length" and "Torrespaccata", represented respectively by the following citizens' associations and neighborhood committees, "Committee of Friends of the District Madonnetta ( )," Civic Committee Inland 13 "(http:/ / ) "Regional Coordination of the X Hall" ( ), "neighborhood committees Porta di Roma" ( ), "Network New Hall IV ( www. ), "Coordination Committees and Associations - XII Municipio", "Committee of the Ninth District of New Bridge" ( ), "neighborhood committees Torrespaccata ( www.cdqtorrespaccata . it).